The Sopranos Series - Re-Watch (Spoilers!!!)


Jan 1, 2018
Did anyone else get the feeling that TS started off as the family hammer/enforcer and then made his way up the ranks to step in as boss when Jackie left?

It was never said outright but there were certain tells throughout the series that hinted at this because a) he was no slouch when it came to wetwork b) people around him all seem to know he was capable of taking it there and c) the fact he'd do so much dirt himself even when he didn't need to:

This I think was also the key reason NY didn't move against Jersey because not only is he handy they knew they'd have no second chance if they didn't kill him as he'd end them himself because he has the skills and a penchant for vengeance.

If you rewatch you'll spot a lot of tells. Especially in the relationship with JS and various other aspects. His Loyle Capos marksmanship precision is another example as TS obviously taught him the tricks of the trade which I think they actually mentioned at some point when reminiscing.

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Jan 15, 2017
St. Lucia
Did anyone else get the feeling that TS started off as the family hammer/enforcer and then made his way up the ranks to step in as boss when Jackie left?

It was never said outright but there were certain tells throughout the series that hinted at this because a) he was no slouch when it came to wetwork b) people around him all seem to know he was capable of taking it there and c) the fact he'd do so much dirt himself even when he didn't need to:

This I think was also the key reason NY didn't move against Jersey because not only is he handy they knew they'd have no second chance if they didn't kill him as he'd end them himself because he has the skills and a penchant for vengeance.

If you rewatch you'll spot a lot of tells. Especially in the relationship with JS and various other aspects. His Loyle Capos marksmanship precision is another example as TS obviously taught him the tricks of the trade which I think they actually mentioned at some point when reminiscing.

Yea Chris said he & Tony B used to go shooting up at the farm I believe


Jan 1, 2018
Thats the one. Don't think anyones ever mentioned it before but it clicked on my last rewatch and had me :ohhh:

All the pieces seem to fit together well for the character and explains a lot about him and his interactions as well as the respect he gets.


May 20, 2012
Did anyone else get the feeling that TS started off as the family hammer/enforcer and then made his way up the ranks to step in as boss when Jackie left?

It was never said outright but there were certain tells throughout the series that hinted at this because a) he was no slouch when it came to wetwork b) people around him all seem to know he was capable of taking it there and c) the fact he'd do so much dirt himself even when he didn't need to:

This I think was also the key reason NY didn't move against Jersey because not only is he handy they knew they'd have no second chance if they didn't kill him as he'd end them himself because he has the skills and a penchant for vengeance.

If you rewatch you'll spot a lot of tells. Especially in the relationship with JS and various other aspects. His Loyle Capos marksmanship precision is another example as TS obviously taught him the tricks of the trade which I think they actually mentioned at some point when reminiscing.

Tony did his first hit with Paulie at 24 so he definitely put in work. But don’t forget his dad and uncle were both capos with their own crews so he moved up the chain alot faster.

New York wasn’t hesitant at moving against Jersey due to fear of Tony. Jersey was just a glorified crew to them. The reason they had to respect Tony was because he was a boss. The bosses in the other family have to protect each other or else they become potential targets internally and externally.

When Gotti killed Paulie, the other bosses in the commission were pissed. They tried to assassinate Gotti with a car bomb which ended up killing his right hand man.


Jan 1, 2018
Yeah, there certainly was nepotism because you saw that with Chris and the writing is very layered like that with call backs and references.

NY may have called them a glorified crew but the Sopranos connects spoke for themselves as they had equal footing on their deals as well as their reach. That adds credence to what I said about his past because if he came up from the trenches like Napoleon and actually put that work in his rep and peoples loyalty speaks for itself. Also when Harris told him that NY had a target on his back he didn't take it serious or act on it which shows his confidence/arrogance in handling himself as he didn't see them as a threat.

Its pretty wild that Tonys worst enemies were actually his own family throughout the series and how he constantly kept coming back for more punishment as he truly did not like himself. This storyline was also genius:

The other he he could've been with a different beginning. Its amazing how this series set the high water mark for TV and nothing has come close to its purity and depth as I noticed on this respin.


May 20, 2012
Yeah, there certainly was nepotism because you saw that with Chris and the writing is very layered like that with call backs and references.

NY may have called them a glorified crew but the Sopranos connects spoke for themselves as they had equal footing on their deals as well as their reach. That adds credence to what I said about his past because if he came up from the trenches like Napoleon and actually put that work in his rep and peoples loyalty speaks for itself. Also when Harris told him that NY had a target on his back he didn't take it serious or act on it which shows his confidence/arrogance in handling himself as he didn't see them as a threat.

Its pretty wild that Tonys worst enemies were actually his own family throughout the series and how he constantly kept coming back for more punishment as he truly did not like himself. This storyline was also genius:

The other he he could've been with a different beginning. Its amazing how this series set the high water mark for TV and nothing has come close to its purity and depth as I noticed on this respin.

Tony feared NY and rightly so. That’s why he was always placating all the NY bosses until he lost his temper or his back was against the wall. He never wanted things to escalate to the point of starting a war. The Lupertazi family was enormous compared to Sopranos. They had a dozen or more crews all of which were either as big or bigger than the entire Soprano family. I’m sure Tony didn’t want those problems. It took the insult of his daughter by Coco to lose his mind and even then, he tried to smooth things over with Little Carmine.

Edit: You are right though, his family members were his worst enemies. His mom, uncle and older sister either conspired or tried to conspire to get him killed.


Jan 1, 2018
Another bit of speculation:

Paulie as the last man standing was in on it and if Tony is dead he's the new NJ figurehead installed by NY. In that respect Butchie and Paulie were both complicit ins switching positions with their superiors via betrayal.

Paulie was always about survival and he'd been through a lot. He also knew his time served with Tony was wearing thin and things were never the same after he thought he snitched. That and him turning down a promotion hinted he saw the bigger pic and was complicit.