I don't really care for any of the inside stuff on new/upcoming/in the works movies.
I'm more fascinated by the way business is run and handled (so far, poorly)
These people are handling literally billions of dollars a year and they seem woefully uninformed about what/who the public actually wants to see.
When people on message boards clown that they could run studios, they're not actually wrong.
The Film Room would turn Sony around in 6 months![]()
I just spent yesterday on Gawker going through these.
I mean... I would never claim to know how billion dollar industries are run, but I would have assumed it was better than this.
shytty PowerPoints and people getting increasingly upset via email?
I can't wait for more leaks.
Oh, there's nothing surprising about it, it's just the amazement of all that fukkery out on the streets.
At my old job you could always tell when a memo from the CEO went through his assistant first or if he sent it out himself, because the man couldn't write a decent sentence if he tried.
Those that are surprised by this must not work for big corporations. I see stuff like this on the daily, shyt always has me
People that make 6-7 figures a year with such poor presentation and business tact. And collectively they make the worse decisions possible.
employees only stop being promoted once they can no longer perform effectively, and "managers rise to the level of their incompetence
Those that are surprised by this must not work for big corporations. I see stuff like this on the daily, shyt always has me
People that make 6-7 figures a year with such poor presentation and business tact. And collectively they make the worse decisions possible.
breh if this dont tell you something then.......companies that are terribly managed wont last breh, sell sell sell*might be time to get rid of my Sony stock*![]()
breh if this dont tell you something then.......companies that are terribly managed wont last breh, sell sell sell
and these are the type of mufukkas that wont give me a jobWhen they went non japanese is when they fell apart.
Had that English mufukka as CEO and ran it into the ground as a whole
Crazy Ken with the PS3 (he was right in the end though)
And now these cacs over at Columbia Pictures/Sony Television in Hollywood looking like idiots.
Kaz out here shaking his head like Obama and shyt. Fire all those clowns. Making elementary school powerpoints and being sloppy in emails and shyt. Rediculous. Cac entitlement at its finest.
And these old motherfukkas get paid millions of dollars for shyt high school kids would get a Ds in. These old babyboomers have to go, get new blood in.
Yo i heard and read so many stories from people who worked for scott rudin as his assistants. These emails make him look decent , the guy is a legit sociopath.