You'll soon learn that you can't help anyone until you have the power to do so.... until you have the power to do so, you'll learn that good gestures rarely go unpunished.... and you'll learn that even if sh1t seems sweet... the person you're outting has legacy, longevity, and even if he was removed..has friends in positions who know who outted him. Maybe nothing will come from this. But what happens if dude only gets a slap on the wrist - I don't do grimy sh1t, but if I was him.. I would looking at you like-- you trying to fck w my paper, my family n1gga...
If you would have just told him - he may have just started forwarding the sh1t... (ur wrong in his eyes because he's already justified in his mind y he wasn't forwarding them) plus you could have ended up with him (a man who has the ears of leadership) as one of your cheerleaders.
U just have to do things a certain way. for example- right now I manage 20 people. They suck at their job, but we don't have real trainers... so I just pick up all their slack and end up working harder than them for barely more pay. I'm justified in going leadership to let them know and bring all the facts. It'll prolly work, but y corner them, when if I play it right they will give me everything I want (be a sr. trainer and sr level manager) without them feeling like I twisted any arms? I will wait til next month to were it clearly shows that I make the most profit, have the best results... offer to train (which i already did - they accepted) the others and even others at different locations. increase my value.