Lin Kuei
Keep us updated. I'm going to be applying to corporate jobs soon. This type of shyt is what I'm least looking forward to.
Real talk. This older generation is spoiled to the absolute max. They are still on their 90's or early 2000's salary......the newer generation are accepting the SAME jobs at the SAME companies at a drastically reduced rate........especially government jobs. Most of the time these geezers didn't even have to meet any real type of qualification.........where as now the same jobs require you to be trilingual, walk a tight rope, and know 10 complex software programs thoroughly by heart....where as Mr Geezer and Mrs Geezer can barely send an e-mail from their company Blackberry.....yet some retard HR airhead girl is questioning whether or not you know how to use Microsoft Access while simultaneously throwing out the resumes of qualified hard working people who don't have "key words" on their resume.
Here's a hint about actually READING the resume instead of looking for "key words" about actually trying to see if this person can apply what they have done to this potential job? The truth of the matter is.....almost anyone with half a brain can do almost any job out there, all it takes is a month or so of shadowing/training and your'e good to go.
I used to walk into interviews OOZING with machismo, muscular chiseled body in a customized dress shirt, relaxed...well spoken, yet with a spark in my eye. Then I quickly realized how this is NOT what they are looking for........ they want somebody who dumbs it down a tad, and you also have to turn down your own ambition thermostat...or else be seen as a threat, and watch lesser men get hired. It's better to play dumb, and not too sharp at the start........and then once you are in..take it slow for the first cpl months.......then BOOM, turn it up.
Catch mofos sleeping, and they will all be like
Sorry........end of rant.
i disagree a little. the ones who succeed at work are confrontational, authoritative, but persuasive, and a bit charismatic. being a quiet worker will give you a low ceiling at middle management at best in a large company when you are over 50, and it will keep you as a grunt in a small company until retirement.It's simple.
The older generation still remembers an era when you could find a 9-5 job that paid you enough money to buy a house AND start a family while still allowing a "work-life" balance. Those jobs don't exist for us anymore. We're literally competing against the entire world as are our employers. The older generation is unacquainted with that concept, so they whine and complain about the increased workload the economy has dumped in their lap.
As to the whole "snakes at work" conversation, I'm a little ambivalent about what you did. As a general rule, you shouldn't go over your boss's head to take him on unless you're SURE you can win or escape detection. If your boss or even a jealous co-worker finds out you ratted, your world will be fukked up in a hurry.
In general, the ones who succeed at work are the strong, silent types. Don't be the funny guy or the loud guy or the party guy in the office. Take the initiative, do as much work as you can, be social and like-able, but don't run your mouth and make sure you aren't offensive to people. If you see someone isolating themselves through stupid political behavior, cut them down with the rest of the pack, making sure you aren't stepping on anyone's toes. Be the guy that anyone can go to with their problems. Then, after biding your time and building your connections, strike HARD when the opportunity presents itself. People will be![]()
I will know more tomorrow morning
So you gon take food off his table, just cause you feel like he aint treating you right?
The boss wasn't treating the company right either
So you gon take food off his table, just cause you feel like he aint treating you right?
He was denying people opportunities. Not just you in particular but everyone in your lane. fukk him.
that's damaging to the company too on many levels. Hi turnover for lack of opportunity, training cost of new employees, having to go "outside" to acquire talent, moral, etc, etc. He fuked up.