The Senate's first bill of the year is a bipartisan bill to ban boycotting Israel

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
not sure if i follow, given that im sure it has unanimous democratic support

No it won't, Sanders and Feinstein explicitly condemned the bill last month, told the Senate they shouldn't even be considering it. And most of the new progressive wave is anti-Israel on shyt like this.

Not to mention that Omar and Tlaib both personally promote the anti-Israel boycott themselves. :skip:

I'm guessing that at least 10 or so Democratic senators will support it, the majority will vote against it but Republicans will support it in a block so they'll still get enough support to pass the Senate. Most of the Democrats in the House will vote against it, but there'd probably be enough to combine with the Republicans to push the bill over the finish line, so it basically comes down to whether Pelosi allows it to reach the floor or not. She's part of the old-school neoliberal pro-Israel camp but she might let it lie anyway because it's so far over the top and she doesn't want her liberal wing to get a talking point. I'll give it 50-50.

:ehh: naive post from our new GOAT. we'll see what happens


Senate/House leadership may be shook over revealing the divide in a floor vote, just like I said. For now it's blocked, that more a shutdown-politics thing than anything else but we'll see where this leads.


So that whole BS theory about how Congress can't write a bill specifically for black people is out the window. :camby:You got Jews writing and co-signing that bill for Jews. You have states already implementing it (how it hasn't gotten struck down already is amazing). That type of bill belongs in maybe Germany or maybe even Europe. But certainly not in the United States.:scusthov:
Brieh, this bill ain't for Jewish Americans, it's for the Israeli government. The Jews in the Senate (Feinstein and Sanders) are the ones loudly and openly opposing it. Jewish support for the Israeli regime isn't even very strong, support for Israel is a lot more about the joint NeoCon/NeoLiberal global vision and some prominent pro-Israel donors than it is about what Jewish people actually want. It don't help the average Jew in America at all, if anything shyt like this puts the average American Jew in more danger cause it leads to conspiracy theories and hate attacks against them.

If you want something comparable in the Black community, maybe some African country (say Ghana, or Rwanda) could become a bipartisan favorite and strategic ally in the region, and perhaps some wealthy Black donors would support that and funnel lots of money to American politicians so those American politicians would then funnel money to the Ghanaian/Rwandan government and protect them with laws and geopolitical support. But would that actually help regular Black people? You'd get the agenda of a few rich people, you wouldn't get a pro-Black agenda.

The Israeli agenda is on some bullshyt and it ain't a good model for the Black struggle at all. It's all about geopolitics and the will of wealthy donors.


All Star
Feb 9, 2013
Remember when they Hurricane Harvey aid recipients were supposed to sign a document claiming they wont boycott Israel before receiving aid and it caused a backlash, the author of the bill then came out claiming it was not the intent of the bill. There was also that time when Ted Cruz, Michael Bloomberg got all apoplectic when the Obama admin issued an advisory warning after a rocket flew close to the Tel Aviv airport