The Russian Invasion of Ukraine has Begun. Its on.


Jun 9, 2012
How are they a reliable partner? Most of the shyt that is happening in the world that is boiling over is due to Russia and China not being responsible state actors.

Russia props up repressive dictatorships like it's their job. They invade countries in power and land grab in 2014.

Europe is going to be fine. At some point the world needs to stand up to Russia. Russia isn't going to change on it's own.

You can say look at America and the West and whatnot but it isn't relevant, it isn't the same, and it doesn't absolve Russia.

Iraq and Libya are beckoning for responsible state actors, the examples shown by the US recently are the opposite of what anyone would call responsible.

I'm going to assume that you are talking about the war with Georgia in 2008 in which Georgia attacked civilian villages of Abkahzia and South Ossetia and also attacked Russian peacekeepers that had been stationed there since 1992. Unfortunately for you, it's not an invasion when one government orders its troops to attack another. Russia's response was commensurate. Abhkazia and South Ossetia exercised their right to self-determination and no longer have any ties to Georgia.

We all see what happened in Crimea, US officials parading in Kiev urging the protesters to overthrow their government. Once again, international law explicitly forbids this. The people in Crimea see what happened in Kiev and behave in kind, ultimately holding a referendum and deciding to officially become a part of Russia. International law allows this.

Furthermore you don't seem to understand that it's not Russia's nor any else's job to topple the leaders of other countries, that should be left to the people of the country. The international law you talk about explicitly forbids it.

I am truly baffled yet again, about why America and the West want to absolve their actions as if they are not relevant. How can anybody take advice from a hypocrite? The hypocritical point of view is a skewed and distorted perspective. The hypocrite must first clean up their consider their own actions and their own ways, and then they'll have clear perspective from which to criticize, otherwise their words are vain, ignorant and delusional.

I think it would be better for you if you actually, even if just to pretend for a moment, that it would be in your best interest to consider someone else's point of view.


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
Iraq and Libya are beckoning for responsible state actors, the examples shown by the US recently are the opposite of what anyone would call responsible.

I'm going to assume that you are talking about the war with Georgia in 2008 in which Georgia attacked civilian villages of Abkahzia and South Ossetia and also attacked Russian peacekeepers that had been stationed there since 1992. Unfortunately for you, it's not an invasion when one government orders its troops to attack another. Russia's response was commensurate. Abhkazia and South Ossetia exercised their right to self-determination and no longer have any ties to Georgia.

We all see what happened in Crimea, US officials parading in Kiev urging the protesters to overthrow their government. Once again, international law explicitly forbids this. The people in Crimea see what happened in Kiev and behave in kind, ultimately holding a referendum and deciding to officially become a part of Russia. International law allows this.

Furthermore you don't seem to understand that it's not Russia's nor any else's job to topple the leaders of other countries, that should be left to the people of the country. The international law you talk about explicitly forbids it.

I am truly baffled yet again, about why America and the West want to absolve their actions as if they are not relevant. How can anybody take advice from a hypocrite? The hypocritical point of view is a skewed and distorted perspective. The hypocrite must first clean up their consider their own actions and their own ways, and then they'll have clear perspective from which to criticize, otherwise their words are vain, ignorant and delusional.

I think it would be better for you if you actually, even if just to pretend for a moment, that it would be in your best interest to consider someone else's point of view.

Russia can do no wrong. Got it.

Hope they're paying you in dollars, buddy.


Jun 9, 2012
Russia can do no wrong. Got it.

Hope they're paying you in dollars, buddy.
No response to any of my arguments except a quip and an ad hominem attack? Come on. You're better than this.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Are you really fukking brainless? Listened too much hip-hip today?

National Endowment for Democracy
1025 F Street NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20004 / (202) 378-9700
I'd like to apologize.

I did some research (Google :troll:) and saw that they have some ALLEGED connections (might as well be true :lolbron:) to covert CIA operations... and to that I say...

Good. :obama:

I don't and may never live in a world thats fair so as long as thats the case as long as our guys are making sure their guys can't do what they want without doing what we want, I say we win in the end.

I don't always support the CIA and but I know damn well that these decisions aren't easy either.


Jun 9, 2012
I'd like to apologize.

I did some research (Google :troll:) and saw that they have some ALLEGED connections (might as well be true :lolbron:) to covert CIA operations... and to that I say...

Good. :obama:

I don't and may never live in a world thats fair so as long as thats the case as long as our guys are making sure their guys can't do what they want without doing what we want, I say we win in the end.

I don't always support the CIA and but I know damn well that these decisions aren't easy either.

Your response is sad, pathetic and most of all pitiful. You exhibit the same contradictory and deceitful state of mind as do many of the EU and US politicians. You should totally stop pretending that you care about any truth at all.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Your response is sad, pathetic and most of all pitiful. You exhibit the same contradictory and deceitful state of mind as do many of the EU and US politicians. You should totally stop pretending that you care about any truth at all.
How am I being contradictory? I don't understand your point here?


Jun 9, 2012
How am I being contradictory? I don't understand your point here?
Throughout this thread and others you sometimes try to dispute allegations on the matter of truth, when in actuality, according to your statements, you don't care if your 'side' is lying 100%, so long as you believe it's in your interest.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Throughout this thread and others you sometimes try to dispute allegations on the matter of truth, when in actuality, according to your statements, you don't care if your 'side' is lying 100%, so long as you believe it's in your interest.
When the CIA carries out secret misinformation campaigns that favor our side, I don't mind.

Plus, this isn't as much of a lie as you're making it out to be.

Russian soldiers ARE deployed and wives DO want to know where they went.

Whether or not the campaign was started to rile up information about the matter is completely different.

Intelligence operations don't work unless theres already a natural implication to push things along existing veins.

Russia is making the CIA's work a lot easier.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Food imports ban backfires on Russia's economy
An embargo on food imports from the West has sent grocery prices in Russia soaring and greatly worsened inflation. The move is seen as a severe blow to the country's stagnating economy.

The cost of banned foodstuffs started to rise days after the embargo took effect in early August. According to figures released by Russia's State Statistics Service on Wednesday, consumer prices rose by 0.1 percent last week, following a similar increase a week earlier. This trend indicates that already by the end of 2015 Russia's annual inflation rate might hit the five-year maximum of 8 percent, far above the official target set by the Russian authorities, analysts warned.

The weekly price increase was especially sharp for foodstuffs like chicken (+1.4 percent), pork (+0.9 percent), frozen fish (+0.5 percent) and cheese (+0.4 percent), the State Statistics Service said. The retail price for apples rose by 0.5 percent from the previous week. This is the most glaring example of the market's reaction to the imports ban, analysts at Raiffeisen Bank said in a research note. Apple prices tend not to increase in summer, when new crops are harvested, they added.

Chris Weafer, a senior partner at Moscow-based research firm Macro-Advisory, echoed those findings. As a result of the embargo, "we didn't get the usual deflation in fruit and vegetable prices that we normally see in August with this plenty of local supply, as well as the imports. That usually brings prices down through August," he said in a telephone interview.

Apple prices have risen since the ban

Russia curbed imports of foodstuffs from the European Union, the United States, Australia, Canada and Norway as a countermeasure to Western sanctions. Among the products on the blacklist are fresh and processed meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, nuts and dairy products.

More price growth expected

As a result of the embargo, the cost of food in some of Russia's regions has been rising at a record pace. Wholesale prices for chicken legs on Sakhalin Island in Russia's Far East skyrocketed by 60 percent, Russian daily newspaper Kommersant reported in mid-August, citing the region's agriculture minister, Nikolai Borisov. The cost of meat in the nearby Primorsky region rose by 26 percent, while fish prices went up by 40 percent, the report said.

These figures come as no surprise, explained Macro-Advisory's Weafer, adding that remote regions like Sakhalin are completely dependent on imports due to the lack of local suppliers and harsh weather conditions which make growing their own crops impossible.


Ukraine conflict dominates meetings of NATO, EU
The growing belief that Russian troops are aiding separatists in Ukraine has lent added urgency to meetings of NATO and EU foreign ministers. The German government is now speaking of a "military intervention" by Moscow. (29.08.2014)

NATO warn of 'significant escalation' in Ukraine
EU to help dairy sector hit by Russian food import ban
Analysts estimate the share of groceries in the consumer basket used to track inflation at about 37 percent. The ban on food imports is expected to fuel annual inflation by the end of the year in what will be a serious blow to Russia's economy, which is already balancing on the edge of recession.

Weafer said consumer prices would continue rising over the next few months. "There is a possibility we could see 8-percent annual inflation between now and the end of the year," he added.

Analysts expect that by the end of 2014 the annual inflation rate will still not exceed 7.8 percent, up from 6.5 percent in 2013. But it might hit the 8-percent mark in annualized terms by late 2015, fueled by a possible increase in taxes and utility tariffs, according to Alfa-Bank chief economist Natalia Orlova as cited by Russian business daily Vedomosti. This is well above the inflation target of 4.5 percent set by Russia's Central Bank for next year.

A chance for local suppliers?

In an effort to downplay the negative effect of the embargo, the Russian authorities vowed to stem price increases. At the same time, they largely see the ban on food imports as a chance for local suppliers to develop. The countermeasures to western sanctions should "clear the store shelves for the goods of domestic producers," Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said when they took affect.

Russia's embargo on food imports from the EU and the US follows sanctions over Ukraine

But analysts doubt that will be the result in the near future. "The experience of previous import bans suggests that this tends not to happen. Instead prices tend to rise, as supply is squeezed," Capital Economics experts warned in a research note. Alexei Portansky, a professor at Moscow's Higher School of Economics, pointed out that the complete substitution of imported goods by locally made ones would take a long time. Some foodstuffs, like meat, would be hard to substitute, he added.

Russia remains heavily dependent on agriculture and food from abroad, the third-largest import sector, accounting for about 14.5 percent of all Russian imports,according to estimates by Citi Russia and CIS. In 2013, Russia imported goods worth $43 billion (33 billion euros), according to the Federal Customs Service. Imports of the products that have been blacklisted were worth $25 billion, Capital Economics estimated.

Russia might try to find alternative suppliers in countries whose goods were not placed under embargo, Portansky suggested. But new suppliers are unlikely to be found immediately, and they will apparently offer the same goods at higher prices, he added.



Sep 21, 2012
i have always wondered if a "big" war was to occur during my lifetime


May 17, 2012
Top a top on top of the top
Iraq and Libya are beckoning for responsible state actors, the examples shown by the US recently are the opposite of what anyone would call responsible.

I'm going to assume that you are talking about the war with Georgia in 2008 in which Georgia attacked civilian villages of Abkahzia and South Ossetia and also attacked Russian peacekeepers that had been stationed there since 1992. Unfortunately for you, it's not an invasion when one government orders its troops to attack another. Russia's response was commensurate. Abhkazia and South Ossetia exercised their right to self-determination and no longer have any ties to Georgia.

We all see what happened in Crimea, US officials parading in Kiev urging the protesters to overthrow their government. Once again, international law explicitly forbids this. The people in Crimea see what happened in Kiev and behave in kind, ultimately holding a referendum and deciding to officially become a part of Russia. International law allows this.

Furthermore you don't seem to understand that it's not Russia's nor any else's job to topple the leaders of other countries, that should be left to the people of the country. The international law you talk about explicitly forbids it.

I am truly baffled yet again, about why America and the West want to absolve their actions as if they are not relevant. How can anybody take advice from a hypocrite? The hypocritical point of view is a skewed and distorted perspective. The hypocrite must first clean up their consider their own actions and their own ways, and then they'll have clear perspective from which to criticize, otherwise their words are vain, ignorant and delusional.

I think it would be better for you if you actually, even if just to pretend for a moment, that it would be in your best interest to consider someone else's point of view.

I'm sorry that you think that Russia is totally innocent in the mess that they have made. They have the largest country in the world and still don't have enough room for their people. Instead, they exported/massacred native people out of their ancestral lands and imported Russians throughout lands that weren't Russian lands. Now you want to play dumb and act like these are home grown freedom movements without Russia's hand in the background.

While an honest Crimean vote would have most likely resulted in their desire to become part of Russia, we will never know because of voter intimidation. Even more disgusting was the voter intimidation in the "referendum" in the "DPR". Being that you love independence referendums so much, would you support a independent Tatar state within Crimea, or a Circassian state? Of course you wouldn't because they don't follow your Russophile agenda, so please spare us all the hypocrite talk.