Defense affairs expert Sandeep Thapar told India TV Digital that if a 30 kiloton atomic bomb is used, an area of up to 4 km can be completely destroyed. Whereas if bombs of up to 1000 kilotons are dropped, then its effect can reach as far as 100 km. This devastation happens in circular form. This attack can do more damage than Hiroshima and Nagasaki did. The atomic bomb which was dropped on Hiroshima was 15 kilotons and the bomb dropped on Nagasaki was 20 kilotons. The bombs devasted both the cities.
Thapar further added Russia could use the atomic bomb where there is no population in an area of up to 10 km. First to scare and then to show that next time there may be a nuclear attack. Thapar added that the process of delivering nuclear weapons has become much easier today. Now nuclear missiles can be launched from anywhere be it land, sea, or sky.
^^^So basically the bomb we saw in that video on the previous page was probably used in an area where its not alot of people. That was probably the FOAB. Even if Putin were to use that bomb instead of an actual nuclear weapon it doesn't matter because the Father Of All Bombs that Russia has is 44 kilotons. The nuclear weapon dropped on Hiroshima was 15 Kilotons and Nagasaki was 20 Kilotons. The FOAB is the biggest non nuclear weapon in the world
So dropping the Father Of All Bombs in a city would see a bigger explosion than we saw in Hiroshima and Nagasaki...and the scary part is that its not even a nuclear weapon