Has anyone here actually thought to go and actively search for the other side of the media? The Eastern media?... shyt even the Russian media?
Every bit of news you search now is pro West... Pro nato.. Pro ukraine. Why? Not because of what your TV broadcasts, but because of your algorythrms.... They're only gonna show you what the west has wanted to tell u for nearly a hundered years now... Trust us and not the communists or the East.
America has flattened, raped and conquered a whole regions in Asia... But we're out here trying to virtue signal for one country in the Eastern block that don't even respect our minorities? They're stopping African and Indian students from leaving Ukraine and prioritising whites to leave to Poland?
Just remember that's who you're supporting when you back Ukraine and wanna act like earth's angles
no country on earth is innocent, including the west and it’s Allies. Suggesting people believe otherwise is silly.