I understand what you are saying. I think the weapnization of homosexuality in the USA in the past has really caused apprehension. You look at the notion of "buck breaking" or the fact that Cecil Rhodes used rape as a punishment and subjugation tool in Zimbabwe. It's a deeper issue than just disliking people. Also the loud folk who join in on the all black men are trash brigade aren't helping to smooth things. I know gay people who were really cool with me, co-workers ect. I have no issue with trans ppl either. But there is a lot of it being weaponized now by the ptb. So the convo has to shift from there.
This is a really coherent post. Thank you.
Weaponizing sexuality has been one of the great tricks of white society. They do it with the black LGBTS and the LGBT community and they do it with black women & a lot of feminism by telling black women that their liberation and sexual freedom is tied to the degradation and political avoidance of black males. Sexuality and it’s weaponization are important to understand in this context to get a full picture of the issue. That I can appreciate.
Buck breaking and the rape of Zimbabwean men (this I am very sympathetic and sensitive to as a Zimbabwean) by whites is a negative usage of sexuality to hurt and scare others. Black men have been assaulted and abused by white men under a strange homoerotic psychosexual warfare that degrades and steals one’s humanity. I can appreciate this. And one can also appreciate the unfair demonization of black men and manhood by members of the LGBT community. However that doesn’t warrant treating black LGBT folks with distrust or derision. They are individuals and I must judge them as such.
The black community and diaspora must come together to discuss our issues of homophobia and black hetero misandry. It is the only way we can fully heal. You are hurting and so are they. Let’s heal together:
Overall, black masculinity is a complex field of study. Some black men are attacked for their perceived sexual threat through their heterosexuality and others are preyed upon and used as tools because of the perceived non threat of their homosexuality. Both are black men and both are being exploited by racism, imperialism and elitism. We need to heal and move forward. I distrust the white LGBT establishment but I love black gays, transgender people and etc. I also love black heterosexuals and cisgender people. Our goals should be to bridge gaps and cancel out the noise of the “all black men are trash” crowd and the “I hate fagg0ts” crowd. Let’s talk to each other and begin a dialogue.