I don't know breh that question is a bit convoluted but I'll give it shot
For one the term 'women' is very load these days...(aside from the so called post 'gender' mentality' that has gained some traction in this generation)...the term 'women' may actually be considered offensive to many females nowadays
Because of those many decades and years of 'feminist'/liberal redefinition of what it means to be a women or function as one we now see females turning away or have deep aversions to the traditional role/nature of being a 'women'
That whole feminist movement sadly had nothing to do with equality of the sexes or uplifting anybody
Their main concern was displacement of women/females from their traditional function/role in the paradigm that consisted of men and women socioeconomic/ familial pairings
Under so called 'white/cac supremacy' that kind of structure represented a danger or competitive threat even among their own communities
Cac families have been known to go to war with other cac families based purely on the threat of competition...those wars were more vicious cause when these cacs lived in Europe there was very limited resources to go around.
So feminism was perpetuated as a means of control and as a result of its many decades of propaganda the very term women has been turned on its head
Black women or at least a good many have internalized the new distorted definition concocted by the feminist and supported by society at large which is one where women/females are victims of male privilege and therefore entitled special rights
In other words womenhood is now defined for many as a female that functions on her own and without a man
A special snowflake if you will
Whereas traditionally to be a women by natural definition meant a female connected to a man and also a community of extended family
The new definition of women actually denote the very opposite now...a disconnected being with entitlements to something that has to be redeemed by others
Traditionally where ever men were the creators and builders women were the nurturers and teachers
Those kinds of roles can only function in a natural familial/community pairing
Now females black and white or whatever are disconnected and fulfilling roles for not family or community but for corporate interest and self aggrandizement
What we have brehs is a completely new social animal.
So for these so called 'black women' to play any kind of role for the black community the clock literally has to be turned back on a the very definition of what a 'women' is in this society
Now it can happen but the process that got us here was very intense and prolonged...to function in this society black women had to be changed or altered
Until that issue is looked at we gonna be going through the motions for a while