FixedAn Impromptu 6 Second Burial Against A Nobody
What A Way To Go Out

FixedAn Impromptu 6 Second Burial Against A Nobody
What A Way To Go Out
An Impromptu 6 Second Match Against A Nobody
What A Way To Go Out
Would have liked to have seen some more matches but he's done his thing and is legendary so it's up to him. The first match with Cena would have been a great way to end, second match was wack, the Rowan thing was fun but wasn't a real match. Was hoping for 1 more great match. to end it on a real high, I guess the only person he could realistically face is Brock though if he stays face.
Holy molyBowed out gracefully, unlike that bald homosexual HBK who just got his crooked eye knocked straight with a super kick on Smykedown