I always go back to Daniel Bryan when I talk about a superstar who clearly shows us the difference between wanting a push, and wanting an opportunity. DB has been consistently handed crap sandwich and crap sandwich and taken a big bite out of it and sold it like it was a turkey club from the food house at a golf course. Zach Ryder didn't seize his opportunity to be over at that moment. We're all focused on the angle with Cena, Eve, and Kane...but y'all, that dude was given an angle with CENA, EVE, and KANE. You make that work.
I was watching a Vince Russo shoot (yeah that's right), and dude was saying even before KotR '96 they knew Austin was gonna be a star when they let him sit at the announcers booth for a match and let him talk. Austin had already had the image and some of the 3:16 promo written before he had even stepped foot in the 'E and he had made up his mind that one day with or without permission on a live mic he was gonna drop something close to it. My point is, the dude had a clear focus and utilized a small window of opportunity to make something of himself in the biz. Rocky was getting over in the NOD by doing small subliminal gestures during Farooqs promo's before they actually approached him about working as his foil.
Smarks and wrestlers alike be wanting a 5 month build into a title reign to "get over". Punk didn't finally hit the mark until he sat down on stage and just spoke his mind. Think about that, that 10 minute promo is the different between him being a so so upper carder that went back to the indy's and one of the greatest wwe champions of all time (kayfabe). Cats gotta take the opportunity when they see it