Correlation between Super bowl champion's conference and winner of the presidential election
See the list of Super Bowl champions and notice how the Super Bowl has predicted the winner of the presidential election most years since 1980, based on the color codes (Red for AFC and Republican, blue for NFC and Democrat):
1980: Steelers (AFC) win, then Reagan (R) wins
1984: Raiders (AFC), Reagan (R)
1988: Redskins (NFC), GHW Bush (R) (no match)
1992: Redskins (NFC), Clinton (D)
1996: Cowboys (NFC), Clinton (D)
2000: Rams (NFC), GW Bush (R) (no match, and before you bring up Florida, I'm going by whoever was the officially certified winner)
2004: Patriots (AFC), GW Bush (R)
2008: Giants (NFC), Obama (D)
Thus, the Giants winning this year will probably give Obama a greater chance of being re-elected. Of course this isn't scientific rather just an interesting correlation.
That was from 2008. Then do the election years afterwards with Superbown 46, 50, 54. Only times this switches up, is when the president of the white house has an impeachment like Clinton before 2000 and Trump in 2020.