What are we even focusing on too big to fail for? That's not the only reason why we have such exploding income inequality. With the trend of liberalization of trade, crushing labor rights, a rigged tax code, the maximizing of productivity as cheaply as possible,
politicians bought by corporate lobbyists, and Senate rules that make no sense, etc it's looking more and more like there's no real answer to this.
Capitalism is fundamentally flawed.
You're confusing corporatism with capitalism.
Government favoring a handful of corporations over the rest is corporatism. This happens in the form of "stimulus", QE3, bailout, 'RECOVERY', 'senate rules that make no sense' (Monsanto...lol) etc. President Obama has signed A LOT of corporatist laws. $5.6 trillion dollars of corporatism legislated.
Corporatism is a flawed system.
So, I reiterate, where are all the defenders of Krugman and Keynes? Where are the champions of stimulus and QE3?
When the Fed decides to print trillions of dollars out of thin air, before it can be injected it into the economy, the money must first pass through other banks. Yes, the same banks owned and controlled by the "1%" which the Krugman/Keynes stans bravely crusade against.
So during this economic recovery, the FED did indeed print and loan trillions to other banks, which
SHOCKINGLY ended up in the hands of the ultra rich. These Keynes/Krugan influenced policies basically made rich banks even richer. But that's not where the problems end.
That money, which didn't exist before, was introduced artificially into the economy (it was created out of thin air). So now the economy has to adjust to it through inflation. In plain words, we are going to pay more for a gallon of milk, carton of eggs, loaf of bread, gallon of gasoline, etc, while the rich laugh at us and get ready to print more because what is stopping them?
It's like money laundering when you think about it, expect they didn't pay to have their money laundered...we did :feelsbadman:.