@Rell Lauren Baris did a special livestream yesterday talking just about this. Other than maybe Trump, nobody in GOP leadership is has the balls to talk about & run on these popular issues.
Lol at the people who gave the corporations unchecked power to become what they are breaking them up or regulating them. It's all political theater.If the Republicans win in 2024, they have to break up the banks, tech and make social media a public utility the same way energy, phones and railways were.
Lol at the people who gave the corporations unchecked power to become what they are breaking them up or regulating them. It's all political theater.
Barnes & Viva interviewed Jack Murphy last week & he made great points why he doesn't want Trump to be the guy in 2024 (skip to the 1:34:03 mark):No. Twitter isn't real life. It's still Trump and then everyone else. DeSantis may not want the national office either. Ron is handling his state the right way and is more polished. Three years is a long time from now, so other names may pop up. Pence doesn't have a shot. Noem killed her chance with the veto of the transgender bill.
Barnes & Viva interviewed Jack Murphy last week & he made great points why he doesn't want Trump to be the guy in 2024 (skip to the 1:34:03 mark):
Jack was on point when talking about Trump's lack of institution building in D.C. I should probably read Jack Murphy's book next after I get done currently reading Ryan Girdusky's book.