PIt Is Up For The Citizens Of This Nation And It Courts To Decide. Not My Sole Power To Do So.
What is so hard for you to understand! Most of the founding fathers were men of faith, you are working against hundreds of years of tradition. Your battle is in the courts breh. Over 70% of the country consider themselves to be people of some relig\ious dotrines of some sort practicioners or not. That includes the old, young, whites, blacks, asians, gay or straight. Your personal battle and hatred of religion is something you have to take to the courts. Either way people of faith sees a non issue while you and atheist do. the constitution says WE the people not you the people. So I say your battle is in the courts not with me or any person of faith. America may not be a Christan nation but it was founded by them.
People consider themselves to be people of VARIOUS faiths.
Even the "deists" (which is what most of them were) did NOT want a church ruling or influencing the state. Read the letters to the Danbury Baptists or even at the turn of the 20th cenutry when people were actually REALLY against the notion of the church. This whole religious vision of america is a relatively new thing.