Logic came out no fangsFangs came out. Tight ship you boys running indeed. Akata is a Yoruba word that is slang for Black Americans yes? Why are you boys simply not denouncing the rhetoric in the video? You are giving fuel to the fire OP has lit by insults and deflection. Plus, when did I accuse anyone posting in this thread of calling anyone akata? I'm just noticing that y'all are reticent to even criticize this singular Nigerian chick who could be Hausa, Fulani, Igbo or whatever. If she truly speaks only for herself then it shouldn't be a problem condemning what she has to say right? And I dare you to find a single lost of mine feeding into diaspora wars on this site. But you jumped off the porch aggressively defending her in spite of her ignorant and divisive words. Y'all moving funny.
Don't duck the question...
Does a French man owe you an answer for something a Russian says about a Ukrainian? If they do then we can speak to that video. It's not on us to entertain your stupidity or validate it.