It's no coincidence the "No Diaspora Wars" sticky is gone.
The treaty must be over.
It was bullshyt to begin with.
shyt said "AAs, no more attacking immigrants. And immigrants, no more attacking African Americans who paved the way for you to get here"
As if the latter was really the issue here.
They couldn't even put an end to all the embarrassing borderline-white power threads about Africans being posted here on a daily basis without throwing out some Tariq Nasheed narrative about "disrespectful foreigners."
The mods share this narrow minded ignorance and believe in it just as strongly. I just wanna know if there's a backup for when this forum inevitably devolves into some demented black militant version of 4klan, moderated by OP where hate speech towards anyone but white people is welcome and Africans, latinos, "foreigners" and liberals are not.