Damn, when does Young Bernie sleep?!![]()
Dude is the greatest American politician in the last 70 years with a national platform.![]()
I could've sworn he was in 10 different places since yesterday. Yet people half his age and healthier can't even do it.
Any politician or activist would be foolish not to get a Bernie cosign at this point. He really is the most popular politician.![]()
Bernie’s numbers are leaving corporate media in the dust. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below. Watch Bernie TV here: https://www.facebook.com/pg/senatorsanders/videos/...
"While the establishment press focuses its time on Donald Trump’s tweets, and the ongoing alleged Russia scandal, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., is quietly growing his base and addressing the issues people are passionate about — by creating his own Facebook Live show called “The Bernie Sanders Show.”
“It gives me an opportunity to speak directly to many millions of people about the work that we’re doing about the issues that we consider to be important,” Sanders told NBC News.
Sanders “is viral gold,” according to the senator’s media producer, Armand Aviram, who says the statesman in his 70s has been able to capture the attention of millennials like no other politician. According to NBC News, the senator from Vermont has amassed 4.7 million followers on Twitter, and more than 7 million likes on Facebook. To add some context, he has more than twice the following of his closest competitors — Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker.
Sanders also doesn’t spend money on advertising or promoted content. This follows the model set by his presidential campaign that refused to create a super PAC. His small media production is hosted right from his Senate office. Despite this, Sanders’ show has met with plenty of success. Discussing issues like Medicare for all, renewable energy, the increasing wealth gap and prescription drug price reform, Sanders has found topics that people love to hear about.”*
Read more here: Forget Trump TV. Bernie Sanders has struck gold with his new Facebook Live show
Hosts: Cenk Uygur
Cast: Cenk Uygur
It seems like not sending kids into lifelong banker-indentured servitude for wanting a decent education is getting pretty popular. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below. http://www.justicedemocrats.com
"Bernie Sanders’s surprisingly strong primary campaign did not win him the Democratic nomination. Nor, for that matter, did it prevent the White House from becoming the wholly owned subsidiary of “the billionaire class.” But it did, apparently, increase support within the Democratic Party for two of his key agenda items.
Following Trumpcare’s untimely death, John Conyers’s Medicare for All bill has attracted some 80 co-sponsors in the House, the most its had since 2009.
“I have been introducing the Medicare For All bill every session of Congress since 2003, and I’m the longest serving member of Congress. I have never seen more enthusiasm and energy behind this issue than what I’m seeing today,” Conyers said in a statement last week. “I will keep introducing this bill as long as it takes because access to health care—not just health insurance, but quality, affordable care—is a universal right, not a privilege for those who can afford it.”*
Read more here: Congressional Democrats Warm to Bernie Sanders’s Agenda
Hosts: Cenk Uygur
Cast: Cenk Uygur
Vermont senator and former presidential nominee Bernie Sanders’ talk show, The Bernie Sanders Show, is now available to stream as a podcast on iTunes. There are three available episodes, dated March 27th, 28th, and 29th. Episodes are also available on the senator’s site.
Sanders’ show has primarily lived on Facebook until now. The show touts itself as a way to “stay informed on the political revolution,” and promises to focus on how the senator and others “are fighting back against the Trump administration and its efforts divide us up.” Guests include Rev. William Barber, a North Carolina political leader; famous science guy Bill Nye; and director and playwright Josh Fox. Other activists, journalists, policymakers, “visionaries,” and “revolutionaries” will be featured on the show.
In the wake of the election, Sanders has continued to vehemently disagree with President Trump’s administration. In addition to publicly speaking against many of the president’s policies and actions, he’s even printed out Trump’s tweets to bring to Senate discussions.
“Election days come and go, but political and social revolutions that attempt to transform our society never end,” the show’s description reads.