The Berngawd has spoken.

This speech threw trumps garbage in the bushes

@JahFocus CS @Darth Humanist @FAH1223 @ineedsleep212 What is the Neoliberal establishment gonna do if Bernie decides to run for POTUS in 2020? Bernie is gonna have a HUGE following in the Primary if he keeps this up.
@JahFocus CS @Darth Humanist @FAH1223 @ineedsleep212 What is the Neoliberal establishment gonna do if Bernie decides to run for POTUS in 2020? Bernie is gonna have a HUGE following in the Primary if he keeps this up.
Run Oprah@JahFocus CS @Darth Humanist @FAH1223 @ineedsleep212 What is the Neoliberal establishment gonna do if Bernie decides to run for POTUS in 2020? Bernie is gonna have a HUGE following in the Primary if he keeps this up.
Run Oprah
Ramp up some of the same tactics they used last time (primarily racebaiting and trying to use identity politics in the absolute most cynical way I'm thinking). The Dem establishment would rather lose than have Sanders.