I report a lot of this stuff about the injustice within the Democratic party, especially against Bernie Sanders to my dad and he's one of those ol' school Black Democrats that don't want to hear nothing and don't want know nothing. So he attacks me for being young and then acting like I don't know what I'm talking about. I keep telling him how dirty these Democrats are and how much Bernie is more of a revolutionary than some of these older Black people who supported Bill and Hillary blindly because he fought alongside of Black people in marches and protests when Hillary was a "Goldwater Girl."
I don't mean to sound morbid, but nothing will change within the Democratic Party until a lot of these Baby Boomers and the older Generation Xers die off. They just do not get it, but want to act like they are better than Trump supporters when they just know how to dress up their ignorance better than Trump supporters. Both sides are one in the same and they don't even get it.
Even if Donald Trump doesn't last until 2020, there's absolutely no democrat that's able to bring this party back together in one piece. Besides Bernie Sanders, Biden was the last shred of hope.
Now without sounding totally bleak, IF somebody comes out within the next year who is younger than 50 years old, naturally charismatic, and able to appeal to a wide audience without pandering and being completely bought and sold by wealth and willing to attach themselves to Bernie Sanders and adopt a lot of his beliefs and policies then we might have a chance, but the Democratic establishment would have to back he or she as well. The biggest challenge is whether or not the Democratic establishment is ready to accept somebody that's unorthodox and progressive. Another challenge is finding somebody like that, but that would mean that a organic grassroots candidate would have come forward and make a name for themselves. I would've said Elizabeth Warren, but she exposed she was a progressive fraud.