Also, where's my PM at brehs. Help a breh out @Blackking
How do I get in?
Good looks.
I would of posted in this thread earlier but I was busy.
PM me the info
@aaaaaaa hit me up breh
@UkaremaBeatz what events in Miami you apart of?I went to a few events for the Woodson institute in Miami, the Urban League of Broward County, and apart of a few grassroots down here as well, I live in Broward, maybe we can network
Go to my Youtube page and you will see some of the events I did recently.
I cover all aspects within our community:
Health and Wellness
Charity Work
I also helped promote a survival preparedness class for hurricanes, natural disasters and REX 84 etc. We did this in Hollywood FL this past Sunday.
All of my contact info is in my signature. Lets build!
Yes.I'm in. Do I need a PM?
You can also access the site through an app but first you need a link.
Its great to be able say what you want on any subject.For example:Right now we have thread about organising a Black gun club across the country. I cant say anything further due to the pigs and evil whites on here.
First you gotta PROVEbeing black and not some cac trying to infiltrate another black message board.Okay, I'd lke a PM/link then. Sounds like a good idea and I'd like to contribute if I can.
Did you get a link yet bro?
Its cool.
Imagine a place where you can talk to black people about whatever you want without worrying about the feds or law enforcement infiltrating.
We live in system of white supremacy so until we as a people can amount more than 1/2 of 1% of the wealth (Dr. Claude Anderson) in this country than are say collectively doesn't matter.
and yes I got the link and joined. I'd say we need to take it a step further and have weekly conference calls to analyze and discuss these types of topics.
Hit me back if anyone is interested...