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why would I thank you for being on something that existed before you were born?You two emo feeling of entitlement lame keystyle sheltered eight mile lie losers. Need to thank me for making the internet. The place where you two scary motherfukkers hid in the house.
You missed any chance to be dope.
It is no mystery.
Why you Two scary wack sheltered homebody motherfukkers.
never Drew shyt and got no props. Miss me with your entitlement issues.
You are both wack face it.
You were never emcees. Nor will your wack asses ever be one.
Now deal with it.
Emcee are made from really going out in The wild to cypha. Not playing on the computer.
like two sheltered lames.
Those are the facts. Now deal wit it.
Art Barr
why would I thank you for being on something that existed before you were born?
guess my ageStop cap'n and seeking false validation.
trying to talk to me you goofie lame.
Art Barr