I dont think your imagination counts as a venueI am a headlining emcee you goofie.
You are an eight mile lie failed rapper.
Art Barr
I dont think your imagination counts as a venueI am a headlining emcee you goofie.
You are an eight mile lie failed rapper.
Art Barr
I dont think your imagination counts as a venue
you seem so sensitive. is that because of your inability to rhyme?You have not ever been a draw as headliner to even speak on a venue.
You the goofie.
Plus a c00n. That does not know rhe emcee.
who created the gateway for you.
to even see rap during primetime.
Yousa lame and a failed eight mile lie.
You have no facts. No.cultural accolades. No industry accolades. You only have a voice on the internet. Which directly came from me. Being successful in my career profession.
Plus in timeline you are a complete failure incomparuson. Plusbyou got low self esteem attached to your age. From being a failure in time line comparison as well.
You coming to talk to me.
on products I made profitable.
in your crib to the world.
You are a low no confiddence no talent failure nikka.
Deal with it.
Art Barr
you seem so sensitive. is that because of your inability to rhyme?
what is your first language?This is cap and deflection.
I am actualized freestyle or written.
Like I said before.
If your first solo record.
you ever recorded.
Is not rated one, two or three somewhere, some place.
then you are a failure incomparison to me.
If you debut feature is not awarded rhe best debut group feature newcomer. Awarded dually as the best underground debut album.
You are a failure to me.
you live an eifht mile lie.
That again. Would not even exist. If not for the pedigree.
of where i come from.
yousa failure as a rapper nikka.
Plus are not a skilled emcee.
Deal with it.
Take yo failed keystyle sheltered homebodydark match. Not even on the undercard trash ass. The fukk on.
Art Barr