*The Rajon Rondo MVP watch thread*

OG Talk

May 1, 2012
Heaven on Earth
been saying this for years. he's no threat in the clutch due to his abysmal FT shooting and horrible J. He puts up great numbers no doubt, but he'll never be a goto guy when the chips are down.

He shot 70% from the line during the playoffs last year... Not great but also not abysmal...He also averaged 17 ppg, 12 apg and 7 rpg throughout the 2012 playoffs while shooting 47% from the field.... His numbers against the Heat were superior to Rose's numbers in the ECF the year before...

I don't agree with him being a legit MVP candidate (your point about him not being a go to guy at the end of games is valid) but the way people talk about him like some type of glorified role player that has no real impact is disingenuous...

As a Heat fan I should be the last one defending dude, but the hate has gotten crazy...People are still talking about his game like it's 2007...Up until game 6 of the ECF he was the best player on the court (a court that featured 6 potential hall of famers)


#NBATwitter #NBAReddit #6ixRings #PatsNation
May 1, 2012
City of champions BAWSTON
But the team is going to Rondo for buckets, he is setting up the buckets. If you saw the game the other day vs the bulls just as an example you would have seen how Rondo set up the last couple of buckets with good finds by the basket to break away. I really don't see what the difference is between setting up easy scores near the basket and actually putting the ball in the basket yourself.


I ask nikkaz this all the time :huhldup: Why dont teams just disregard him? he cant score!!!!


#NBATwitter #NBAReddit #6ixRings #PatsNation
May 1, 2012
City of champions BAWSTON
He shot 70% from the line during the playoffs last year... Not great but also not abysmal...He also averaged 17 ppg, 12 apg and 7 rpg throughout the 2012 playoffs while shooting 47% from the field.... His numbers against the Heat were superior to Rose's numbers in the ECF the year before...

I don't agree with him being a legit MVP candidate (your point about him not being a go to guy at the end of games is valid) but the way people talk about him like some type of glorified role player that has no real impact is disingenuous...

As a Heat fan I should be the last one defending dude, but the hate has gotten crazy...People are still talking about his game like it's 2007...Up until game 6 of the ECF he was the best player on the court (a court that featured 6 potential hall of famers)

:myman: #respect !
Apr 30, 2012
Really a matter of semantics, because whatever you want to label what he's doing...he's more responsible for dictating and running their offense than anybody else on the roster...which is of course is the point guards job, but rondo kinda embodies the shyt...there's points where dude literally orchestrates their entire offense...him being the entire to runs their offense is far closer to reality than him being some guy out there having no impact and putting up empty stats

All that shyt you just wrote, could be a blanket statement for another x-franchise PG. He runs their offense but that doesn't negate him from having no impact and putting up empty stats. A player can still break between the two. And no I don't mean he has ZERO impact, I'm saying his box score's are not indicative of his actual impact. Lets' just take this season for example -

52% FG, 30% 3PT, 55% FT, 5.1 RPG, 13 ASPG, 2.3 SPG, 15.4 PPG.

The only stat that is a true telling of his impact/ability is his free-throw percentage and a case can be made for his 3-point percentage plus his points per game. The rest aren't. Should his FG% be used as an argument to say he's a better shooter than D-Will (46%) this season? Should his FG% as a PG be used as an argument to push an MVP case or push his case against other PGs (who have similar stats in other areas) but have lower FG%?

Should his RPG be used as an argument to say he's the best rebounding PG in the game? Why because he capitalises of being the ONLY player near rebounding-opportunities due to Doc's game-plan of getting back on D rather than x-rebound? Should his RPG be used as evidence as to why he's a better PG than x-player - when he benefits by playing in one of the worst rebounding teams in the league (for seasons that extend through the majority of his career) and hasn't played with a double-digit rebounder since he became the Celtics starting PG?

Should his ASPG be used as evidence to say he's the best PG (or amongst them) in the league when he orchestrated one of the worst-efficient offenses in the league for the last few seasons? Should his ASPG be used as evidence when the Celtics are JS-heavy team and he benefits from instantaneous shots from passes? Should his ASPG be used as evidence when he's the second-to-last player to touch the ball in swing-ball opportunities? Should his ASPG be used as evidence when that's his primarily job and is a #3 scoring option? Why do the Celtics have constant droughts on the offense-end (this season and immediate past seasons)?

When I say his box scores aren't indicative of his true playing ability/impact, I say it because they aren't. He's NEVER EVER EVER had to handle an offense-load like Rose, Paul, D-Will, Parker and even Westbrook and had an impact of those players because he's never been the #1 option on the regular. He's benefited from being the #3 /#4 option guy the majority of his career and no it shouldn't be used to slight him, just like it shouldn't be used as evidence to say he's better than the aforementioned players. Simply because he's NEVER been in the opportunity on the regular to have that impact.

A future-case on the contrary is Harden - and his stats from last season to this season. He went from being #3 to the #1 option and look at how it's affected his impact and efficiency. Yes it's only a sample size (+ growing pains) but it's a telling that his impact last season is not all as it seems. You couldn't properly gauge his ability until he was put into this situation; a situation of having to do everything himself. He's having to deal with 1st units and #1 defenders as opposed to what he was accustomed to last season. His flaws are on full display - flaws that were covered by his situation in OKC.

This is why this all dates back to Rondo being in the discussion of being one of the best PGs or in this thread's case an MVP-candidate and his statistical readings being used as evidence, when he's not in the struggle that other x-MVP candidates and x-PGs are. I can't take his stats seriously until he's in that predicament.
Apr 30, 2012
He shot 70% from the line during the playoffs last year... Not great but also not abysmal...He also averaged 17 ppg, 12 apg and 7 rpg throughout the 2012 playoffs while shooting 47% from the field.... His numbers against the Heat were superior to Rose's numbers in the ECF the year before...

I don't agree with him being a legit MVP candidate (your point about him not being a go to guy at the end of games is valid) but the way people talk about him like some type of glorified role player that has no real impact is disingenuous...

As a Heat fan I should be the last one defending dude, but the hate has gotten crazy...People are still talking about his game like it's 2007...Up until game 6 of the ECF he was the best player on the court (a court that featured 6 potential hall of famers)

Here's another poster that can't differentiate between actual-impact and just looks at the stats. Did you even watch Rose in the 2011 ECFs?
Apr 30, 2012
Everybody wanna be talkin bout stop hating on Rondo - it's not hate, it's just bringing you back to reality. If you wanna stop the 'hate', then stop acting like he's a player that he really isn't.
Apr 30, 2012
Antawn Jamison :rudy: And you talking about impact and ability and all that shyt brah as if the Celtics been garbage since he came in the league, His impact is to blame for the Celtics success in the last 3 years, almost making it to the finals last year with no Avery Bradley, Ray Allen on one leg, Paul Pierce on one leg and a tired KG, the year before Dwade hurt him, he played with a dislocated elbow against The Heat in the playoffs and made an impact. Rondo's whole style is based on his Ability(Basketball IQ, Court Vision) Do you even watch Rondo play?
Celtics success? Their success has been a testament to their defense; that's down to KG. Oh give me a fukkin break with all those injury-excuses, the majority of teams had them. Just like if Bosh was healthy, that series would've ended sooner. just like if rose was healthy, celtics wouldn't have even made it to the ECFs. oh really, a basketball player's style is based on his ability? :ohhh: i never would've thought of that one...... you got me there.



Jun 29, 2012
Live your own life
It is the beginning of the season. Throughout the course of the season, Rondo stats will decline. Carmelo have a better chance of winning the MVP this season than Rondo