as an overall movie ip man is better than the raid becuz the story and acting was top notch and donnie the gawd scene against the 10 dudes is prolly the most rewinded kung fu scene i've ever watched....the raid as an action movie of course is better tho....both classics tho
and both in the bluray collection
IP man as great a film as it is, is grossly overrated by Coli/Sohh fam.
Film is straight but there are about a dozen Kung Fu flix that dropped this past decade that I'd put over it.
Imo, Ip Man series ain't even Donnie's best. I put Flashpoint over it.
Flashpoint, Dragon Tiger Gate and Iron Monkey are all equally as good as IP Man imo.
u can't be a fan of fighting video games and not enjoy Dragon Tiger Gate
I enjoyed all dem shyts but Flashpoint gets extra props with how he utilized MMA and how it looked like they were hitting each other for real. Those haymakers, body slams, and that suplex had me like
goddamn that's sexy.