This game is worth checking out if you're into dungeon crawler RPGs.
It's called
Adventure Bar Labyrinth.
It's free to play. You can find it in the Playstation Mobile part of the Vita Store.
I'd prefer a paid version tho. If you die in the labyrinth you lose everything...yeah. Levels gets reset too

but its all fun and games until that death happens tho
but yeah, F2P Dungeon crawler on the PS Mobile store if you want to give it a shot. 30MB.
and that RPG from Square is coming to PS Mobile tomorrow too. Chaos Rings. Hopefully this is the start of them bringing over the other games. Since they're basically saying screw handhelds now and going mobile only outside of a couple games it would be nice to have them in one place. I MAY bite on it tomorrow if im just in a spending mood.