inFamous for the Vita makes too much sense to actually happen
especially considering Gravity Rush shows that open world action games can work really well.
I still expect either Uncharted 2 Vita or Syphon Filter Vita from Sony Bend(really long shot for a Resistance Retribution 2) to be some point
Gravity Rush 2 depends on who is making Freedom Wars. If the Siren is making it, Gravity Rush is a couple years off probably. If another team is, Gravity Rush 2 may be at TGS.
EDIT: oh yeah, Muramasa Rebirth is legit

I still expect either Uncharted 2 Vita or Syphon Filter Vita from Sony Bend(really long shot for a Resistance Retribution 2) to be some point

EDIT: oh yeah, Muramasa Rebirth is legit