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how did I miss this?Best Buy's having a Vita sale right now. $15 for Freedom Wars, $15 for Wolf Among Us, $25 for Borderlands 2, $15 for Walking Dead: Season Two ($10 for the first season), $15 Sly Collection, $15 God of War Collection, and MLB The Show 14 for $15.
http://www.bestbuy.com/site/promo/cm-video-games-131076?nrp=15&cp=1&seeAll=&qp=category_facet=PS Vita~pcmcat243400050029&ref=199&loc=je6NUbpObpQ&acampID=1&siteID=je6NUbpObpQ-etYcZ9E63v.a9969UPIM0Q
Gamestop has 32GB memory cards for $40.