The Power to Shock the World: Official UFC 167- GSP vs Hendricks Thread


May 26, 2012
Wade County
I suggest everyone rewatch that 1st round, because I think GSP won it, although its pretty close, and it could've been scored a draw. GSP controlled the center of the octagon and controlled Hendricks in the stand up . It was the only round where GSP used his jab effectively enough to keep Hendricks at bay. Hendricks had the takedown, the elbows, and the knees to the thighs, but GSP was pretty even with him against the cage, had some good knees to the midsection, had a takedown of his own, and a guillotine attempt. I think the jab was the difference in the first and after watching it a few more times, I give it to GSP. I guess if the refs were listening to Joe Rogan glow about Big Rig's elbows and punches while GSP had his leg then they might have been swayed, but GSP did enough to win the 1st. Upon further review, it doesn't seem like the robbery people are making it out to be, unless you want to argue the 3rd and/or 5th.
Jul 6, 2012
I suggest everyone rewatch that 1st round, because I think GSP won it, although its pretty close, and it could've been scored a draw. GSP controlled the center of the octagon and controlled Hendricks in the stand up . It was the only round where GSP used his jab effectively enough to keep Hendricks at bay. Hendricks had the takedown, the elbows, and the knees to the thighs, but GSP was pretty even with him against the cage, had some good knees to the midsection, had a takedown of his own, and a guillotine attempt. I think the jab was the difference in the first and after watching it a few more times, I give it to GSP. I guess if the refs were listening to Joe Rogan glow about Big Rig's elbows and punches while GSP had his leg then they might have been swayed, but GSP did enough to win the 1st. Upon further review, it doesn't seem like the robbery people are making it out to be, unless you want to argue the 3rd and/or 5th.
That's exactly how I saw it, how the numbers saw it, and how 2 judges saw it...

The first round comes down to how important are leg kicks, especially in the beginning of a fight, when they don't appear to have any effect on the opposing fighter...?

If you kick like Aldo, and make your opponent limp all over the Octagon, then of course we can clearly see that leg kicks are an effective weapon, but when your opponent continues to come forward with no signs of slowly down, how many points should you actually get for your leg kicks, if any at all...?

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
I suggest everyone rewatch that 1st round, because I think GSP won it, although its pretty close, and it could've been scored a draw. GSP controlled the center of the octagon and controlled Hendricks in the stand up . It was the only round where GSP used his jab effectively enough to keep Hendricks at bay. Hendricks had the takedown, the elbows, and the knees to the thighs, but GSP was pretty even with him against the cage, had some good knees to the midsection, had a takedown of his own, and a guillotine attempt. I think the jab was the difference in the first and after watching it a few more times, I give it to GSP. I guess if the refs were listening to Joe Rogan glow about Big Rig's elbows and punches while GSP had his leg then they might have been swayed, but GSP did enough to win the 1st. Upon further review, it doesn't seem like the robbery people are making it out to be, unless you want to argue the 3rd and/or 5th.
Herse a Sherdog breakdown of round 1

Touch gloves.

1st minute

Leg kick gsp
Jab gsp
Kick gsp – sets up aggression
Hendricks wild right hook, gsp ducks and lands a takedown
Hendricks moves to get out
Guillotine attempt
GSP goes for a second one as Hendricks gets back to feet.
GSP lands a knee


Clinch – Hendricks moving back
Gsp punches to the body
Hendricks knees to the leg
Gsp knee
GSP knee
Lovetap from gsp to the body
Hendricks reverses the clinch as they move to the cage
Gsp counters, hendrick follows up gaining position on the clinch on the cage
Gsp comes around and out, both fighters moving back to the center still in clinch
Hendricks throws a lovetap to the body
GSP throws a knee to the body
Hendricks throws a knee to gsps leg

1st minute winner : has to be gsp for the takedown and the sub attempt.

2nd minute
Knee from Hendricks to the leg
Gsp: knee to the side
Hendricks knee to the leg
Clinch is broken up by Yamasaki – fair break.


Hendricks feigns a hook, and throws an upper cut as gsp lunges for a takedown
Hard to tell if he gets any purchase. Gsp seems to drop, but hes dropping for a takedown anyways.
Gsp gets one leg, and that’s it.
Gsp throws an upper cut to Hendricks who replies.
Hendricks throws again and rogan yells hard shot by Hendricks
Gsp replies halfheartedly concentrating on the takedown.


Anther upper cut by hendrick, but delivered very close and while on one leg. Its hard to share rogans enthusiasm as it’s a defensive looking position.
GSP pushes one legged Hendricks against the cage.
Gsp is throwing short blows at Hendricks, again with very little purchase.
Gsp drops down for the takedown against the fence
Hendricks drops an elbow, then another and anther. Rogan orgasms.
Hendricks throws another 2. gsp continues to work on the takedown.
Gsp gives up on the takedown and throws a knee.

2nd minute winner – debatable. Hendricks did well to throw some defensive shots, but gsp was obviously the aggressor and rogans sex moans aside, it’s a debate who won that minute. GSP definitely was the aggressor, and had Hendricks on one leg for most of the round. Hendricks threw some defensive shots with very little visible effect.

3rd minute

Hendricks reverses clinch, pushing gsp into the cage.
Hendricks thows a knee to gsp as rogan screams “he cant take to many of those” referring to the short elbows from 10 seconds ago.
Hendricsk throws an upper cut to the stomach and then a knee to the leg
Gsp walks around and out toward the center still in clinch.
Hendricks pushes gsp back into the cage.
Hendricks is now working on a takedown.
Gsp goes for a kimura , shifting balance and gets taken down.


Rogan talks about swelling on gsp, supposedly from the elbows.
Meanwhile nothings happening on the takedown, Hendricks moves up on his knees and throws a left, but its trapped by gsp who works his way up again.
Both fighters up, Hendricks immediately drops levels looking for that takedown
Gsp blocks this with under hooks.
Knee from Hendricks
Knee from gsp.
And out into striking.
Gsp throws a kick.

3rd minute winner – Hendricks.

4th minute

Hendricks throws a knee as gsp goes in for a takedown
Rogan climaxes again,
Gsp moves back into striking,
Gsp throws a kick that has Hendricks grabbing his cup
Side kick by gsp
Hendricks goes forward with a missed uppercut, gsp moves back evading
Right hook : A hit and a miss for hendricks
Gsp connects with a jab
Jab by gsp
Right high kick by gsp lands


Left hook by gsp lands
Gsp throws short to the body and moves for a takedown, Hendricks throws an upper cut with no purchase and they are clinching again
Knee by Hendricks
Punch to the ribs by gsp
Another knee by Hendricks
Knee by gsp
Knee by Hendricks
Knee by gsp
The pair are swapping roles as initiative in the clinch goes with gsp first and then Hendricks
Knee to the leg by Hendricks
Punch to the ribs by Hendricks

4th minute winner – its got to be gsp. He spammed Hendricks with a high kick to the head, and the clinch is pretty square.

5th minute

Knee by gsp
Another knee by gsp
Hendricks throws something short with the base of the frst as they break for more striking
Leg kick by gsp
Straight kick by gsp
Gsp throws a jab, as goldie claims Hendricks leads significant strikes. A lot of them are defensive as gsp works on takedowns and I haven’t been counting. Gsp seems to have the edge in the stand up though.
Hendricks throws a knee but falls short. Theres been a lot of short blows that missed and weren’t noteworthy in this. Ive noted all of them, but they obviously aren’t all that significant.
leg kick by Hendricks seems to miss target. 30 seconds left.


Gsp throws a combination with no purchase.
Hendricks thows another one, leading to a leg kick.
Gsp rounds off a left hook that seems to glance.
Right high kick by gsp, seems to glance
Front kick to the body falls short
Leg kick by gsp is countered by a straight, but the punch is essentially caught by gsps boxing guard
Hendricks follows up, but gsp is falling back and out of range
Hendricks throws a right and seems to use it as a clinch device as gsp ducks it, looking to set up an uppercut
Gsp comes over the top of this with his arm, circling out of danger.
10 seconds left.
Gsp throws a straight to the body and falls short
Hendricks goes for an ambitious straight but is slipped by gsp who missed with the counter and they clinch
Hendricks misses with a hook on the way out.
End of the round

5th minute winner – close and debatable but gsps high kick again probably edged it for him,


So who won the first round.

Id probably give it to gsp.

That said I can see the counter argument.

The short elbows from Hendricks and his takedown look good in retrospect, but defence isn’t awarded and gsp didn’t really show any signs of being staggered. The takedown didn’t lead to anything. Hendricks knees to the legs were good but were matched blow for blow with knees to the side. The tit for tat in the clinch was almost metronomical.

As for the offence of gsp – he scored a very good takedown countering Hendricks wild hook, which led to two guilotene attempts. He hit Hendricks with 2 high kicks, admittedly not phasing the texan. His second real takedown attempt had Hendricks on one leg, which led to the defensive elbows, and he seemed to lead in the aggression stakes.

This really was a tit for tat round in a lot of ways. Gsp seemed to be the better stiker slightly, with more blows and more purchase. Take downs were 1-1 but gsps lead to a sub attempt.

Minute by minute gsp seemed to edge it.

Im cleaning rogans fluids out of my ears, so there you go.

Roman Brady

Nobody Lives Forever
May 9, 2012
rogan should probably shut his trasp if he doesnt want to find himself in hot soup. Didnt listen to the podcast but am sure something was loss in translation, hell for all we know gsp could've been trolling. As for the memory loss during the fight, well tbf i am shocked that fighters can describe their fights rd by rd with such clarity at all.If i was in the moment and not in control of a fight i would have memory loss too..It was probably his way of evading having to embarass himself by selling he won the rounds he lost

ps And i am surprised so much is being made about the amount of hits hes received in his last 3 fights.The fukk? do you want to be a fukking fighter?


May 2, 2012


May 1, 2012
t-dot till they bury me
Gsp wants to get back to