"The porn star and the president " Official Stormy Daniels & Anderson Cooper interview @ CBS thread

Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
Considering the president blasted Hillary for staying with Bill after the affair, him saying it didn't happen, his penchant for unprotected sex coupled with his current views on abortion, and his self proclaimed mandate on protecting Christianity I'd say yes.
I'm a nihilist and think the whole fukking system needs to burn at this point. I probably wasn't a year ago. But at this point I can't continue to be outraged by the rights hypocrisy because I realize that morality tests and standards aren't something they care about genuinely as its just another bully stick to beat the left with. I mean sure talk about the hypocrisy but we've been talking about their hypocrisy for years now. There was some evangelical leader who they asked about this and he said something like "Well trump gets a mulligan on this one". At this point, you have to come to the realization no matter what these people say in public they genuinely don't give a fukk.

The reality is that many people don't care about this shyt even if they say they do. They will call Bill clinton slick willy but only because its a partisan attack and they will use ANYTHING to take him down including faking moral outrage at him getting a blowjob from an intern before going back to their offices and doing the same.

Republican voters and the people who voted for Trump only have moral hangups when its a Democrat and its another political tool they can use. This has been the case forever.

Here is what I think will make this more explosive and actually have some affect on his support. If he coerced her to get an abortion. Something that will directly challenge really deeply held beliefs and its on video tape with documentation. You would think cheating on your pregnant wife would be enough but all these pastors and bible thumpers do that and everyone knows it. Newt Gingrich who cheated on his wife with cancer only to back to congress to whine about Bill Clinton getting a BJ is still a respected conservative voice. These people don't give a shyt bruh and this news isn't going to change the dynamics of what we're dealing with at all.

Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
Trumpism has mobilized liberals and as a result we are seeing gains in conservative areas and we're seeing more progressive policies being pushed in liberal areas and discussed across the board.

That's a plus.

Regarding trump, these stories damage the Trump brand. He's a confidence guy. Trumpism isn't a cult of shared policy, but mere tribalism.
Obama won 2012 despite Democrats getting slaughtered in the midterms in 2010. So it doesn't always correlate with presidential outcomes.

Partisanship in the midterms does not compare to partisanship and voter participation in the presidential election.

I will say what is hurting the Trump brand is his policies such as the omnibus bill recently signed. I haven't seen conservatives and his supporters as pissed off as I've seen them piss and moan about that recently.



refuel w/ chocolate milk
Jul 7, 2012
I don't have high expectations for the interview. I'm assuming they're just going to rehash what we already know but through her words.


Straight Shooter
Jun 4, 2012


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
I'm a nihilist and think the whole fukking system needs to burn at this point. I probably wasn't a year ago. But at this point I can't continue to be outraged by the rights hypocrisy because I realize that morality tests and standards aren't something they care about genuinely as its just another bully stick to beat the left with. I mean sure talk about the hypocrisy but we've been talking about their hypocrisy for years now. There was some evangelical leader who they asked about this and he said something like "Well trump gets a mulligan on this one". At this point, you have to come to the realization no matter what these people say in public they genuinely don't give a fukk.

The reality is that many people don't care about this shyt even if they say they do. They will call Bill clinton slick willy but only because its a partisan attack and they will use ANYTHING to take him down including faking moral outrage at him getting a blowjob from an intern before going back to their offices and doing the same.

Republican voters and the people who voted for Trump only have moral hangups when its a Democrat and its another political tool they can use. This has been the case forever.

Here is what I think will make this more explosive and actually have some affect on his support. If he coerced her to get an abortion. Something that will directly challenge really deeply held beliefs and its on video tape with documentation. You would think cheating on your pregnant wife would be enough but all these pastors and bible thumpers do that and everyone knows it. Newt Gingrich who cheated on his wife with cancer only to back to congress to whine about Bill Clinton getting a BJ is still a respected conservative voice. These people don't give a shyt bruh and this news isn't going to change the dynamics of what we're dealing with at all.

My dog ate my homework
