The percentage of men between ages 18-30 with zero sex partners tripled from 08-18

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
You will say anything to try and act as if women aren't cruel to men they deem as unattractive for no reason at all.

Unattractive men don't even have to express interest in them and they will still find a way to try and destroy his self-esteem for no reason other than to boost their own egos.

The glee on women's faces when they are talking about an ugly man that tried to hit on them is ridiculous.

I sincerely apologize if I don't want to participate in the game of a woman disregarding my feelings just to make herself feel better anymore.

Don't apologize. It honestly makes no difference to me.

Sure women can be cruel but there are millions of unattractive men who are successful. But if you wanna wallow in self pity be my guest. The planet Earth and all the people upon it are the problem; not you. Never you. I get it. Good luck.


May 30, 2013
Dona Nobis Pacem
Peace. Keep this in mind when searching. If she can give you peace. She’s a keeper & you’ll appreciate this when you get older.

As for looking for someone, switch up your environment, even if it makes you uncomfortable. Take the time learn new skills & different activities centered around the type of women you like. Volunteer at a non-profit. Just keep talking to women, but don’t put too much pressure on the needing to “find” someone. Just enjoy the process.

Edit: I’ll add another point.You might want to actually get off of social media. It’ll destroy your mind and have you thinking every meet should look like an IG model. When majority of the women in this world are average.
This sounds very reasonable. Social media is the devil. It's programming people of all ages with toxic ideas.

Men don't have to be wealthy or GQ models.

Good health (physical/mental), cleanliness, good hygiene, healthy attitude, kindness go along way.

Jewelry, tattoos, expensive clothes don't mean shyt to most women. Clean clothes, good hygiene, good health mean so much more.

A nice woman working a regular job isn't going to turn down a nice man also working a regular job.

Most woman aren't expecting a man to finance her lifestyle or even pay her bills. It's just not realistic.

A woman can tell when men don't truly like or respect women. That's a turn off and scary. Most women would rather have a healthy relationship/marriage, than a baby daddy and child support.

Prevent pregnancies with 100% condom use.

Men who don't want children should NOT be releasing their sperm in or near a woman's body.

As far as STDs, get tested before sex, and during relationships, share results and use condoms. Even if a woman is on BC. Use condoms. Always always use condoms.

When I got my IUD, my doctor told me to still always use condoms. It's easier and safer for me to make sure I don't get pregnant (because no BC is 100%)

If you hate condoms, learn about condoms, lube, dental dams, gloves, etc for safer sex. There are lube/condom combinations that can help it feel very close to like there's no condom.

Free testing is available in most cities.

Get Tested | National HIV, STD, and Hepatitis Testing

Some women just want sex, some want relationships, but most women don't want to be stuck with a fatherless child or mentally abused by a man who thinks women need to be treated like pit bulls.

No one should be treating their partner like shyt or playing mind games.

If a woman is abusive or disrespectful WALK AWAY and block her number.

Plenty of women want to get laid too.

Be clear with your expectations and always use condoms.

Sometimes I read here and I get sad that some men are too hard on themselves OR just really don't like women.

Stop thinking you can't get a woman because you're not: tall, GQ looking or rich.

If you have good hygiene, good health (and make sure you both get tested) and are kind, you can break down the boxes at Albertsons and get a woman who will honestly love you.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
I'm not an incel. But let's go with your theory some nikkas have "ugly" personalities that prevent them from connecting with women.

I never said you were an incel and yes plenty men have personalities that are unattractive. Why is that such an outrageous theory?

You know what, you're right. It's everyone elses especially women's fault. There is no point debating ya'll you've already decided to be a victim. Nothing I can do for you. Let me stop trying.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Had women tell me they would be interested in me if I looked better.

Had women tell me they had friends they think I would be great with if I looked better.

I was talking to a girl I had a crush on and she told me her friend liked me. I didn't believe her so she 3 way'd her with me on the line but on mute

The girl I didn't have a crush on admitted she liked me, and the girl I liked clowned her for it.

Talked her out of liking me.

That's how much appearance matters.

But you have a ugly friend who gets women so I guess you have more expertise than me.


I understand. You win. Best of luck.


Judge me by my heart not my hairline
Jan 5, 2017
You will say anything to try and act as if women aren't cruel to men they deem as unattractive for no reason at all.

Unattractive men don't even have to express interest in them and they will still find a way to try and destroy his self-esteem for no reason other than to boost their own egos.

The glee on women's faces when they are talking about an ugly man that tried to hit on them is ridiculous.

I sincerely apologize if I don't want to participate in the game of a woman disregarding my feelings just to make herself feel better anymore.

Breh NEVER and I mean NEVER talk to women about these things. It's like talking to a Trump supporter about racism. Their reality isn't the same as a man.

Formerly Black Trash

Philosopher, Connoisseur, Future Legend
Aug 2, 2015
So I just told you that you're not ugly but then you choose to ignore that and reminisce about a negative experience you had years ago.


Again. It's your personality. I know a dude who looks like a gremlin and he's also short as hell and stays getting women. But he also has no problem approaching women and has an interesting personality.

Being ugly isn't a disability. There are tons of ugly people and they came from 1 or 2 ugly people bumping uglies.


Change you're mind. Change your life.
Most short nikkas ain't going to be Spud Webb

They won't even make it to the league


I 💗My Tribal Chief
Jun 8, 2012
Something else to consider:

The grass isn't always greener on the other side:

For those men who do obtain women easily comes with a whole other set of problems:

- Entrapment
- Extortion
- Being setup for a robbery (or worse)
- Being robbed
- Pregnancy scares
- Psycho women
- False rape accusations
- Targeting by jealous boyfriends or husbands
- Baby mama drama
- Child support

... et al.

Not only that, those men take L's too (Some may argue they take more ...). Some high profile cases are Wil Smith, Brad Pitt, Dr. Dre, Quavo, et al. Men like the aforementioned, their L's are broadcast on front street .....

I, personally, wouldn't focus so much on if you obtain women easily or not, but in getting one's finances in order, living life on your terms, and having peace of mind. The women will be there (... and the ensuing challenges in dealing with them).


la force de l'avenir
Apr 2, 2017
Do you have male friends?

im not talking about him specifically. I know nothing about Breh. I’m just responding to his 1 post.

Actually that’s a lie. He’s said he struggles to meet and engage with women (in other words) and he has the desire to do so - which to my mind is a very normal thing. Based on that I gather he’s a relatively low confidence man atm but wants to overcome that. I could be wrong on that front. Assuming that’s the case, there’s a big chance he has few (sociable) male friends - birds of a feather flock together - but that might not be the case so I’ve asked him.

he’s mentioned he lives near a beach. Somewhere men and women go to relax and entertain themselves. Looking for women here makes some level of sense. But a low confidence guy by himself hitting a beach looking for women can easily be seen as creepy. Going in a group, playing volleyball or something makes it easier to interact with women. Easier for anyone but especially someone that struggles to meet women.

I have no reason to purposely condescend brehs. I only want to understand and maybe help where I can.
Two close male friends. All of them just as antisocial as I am:francis: I can hold a basic conversation with a woman when it comes to small talk but flirting or wooing is something I'm definitely stunted at.

Mr Hate Coffee

Apr 30, 2012
Interesting because im fresh 30, and recently been fukking a new chick every week...while doing real estate and teaching rock climbing and promo jobs, and playing video games and lifting lol

2 weeks ago it was like...4 chicks in 4 days? One was a client I did a showing for lol

My point is, this is very surprising with the rise of tinder and such...

I’m not surprised. Even before this, a small portion of guys fukk most of the women. Even in my own circle I was shocked at how much more vagina I was getting than my friends. Keep in mind I’m a regular dude. I don’t compare myself to athletes and celebrities.

what this leads to is disbelief that regular guys are actually smashing chicks like that. I remember posting some stories on here back in the day and people thinking I’m lying. Hell, someone said you were lying in your post. A lot of brehs think since it’s not happening for them then it can’t possibly be happening for another breh.

So yeah there are a bunch of 20 something year olds out here getting p*ssy but the portion that isn’t is growing.

Formerly Black Trash

Philosopher, Connoisseur, Future Legend
Aug 2, 2015
I’m not surprised. Even before this, a small portion of guys fukk most of the women. Even in my own circle I was shocked at how much more vagina I was getting than my friends. Keep in mind I’m a regular dude. I don’t compare myself to athletes and celebrities.

what this leads to is disbelief that regular guys are actually smashing chicks like that. I remember posting some stories on here back in the day and people thinking I’m lying. Hell, someone said you were lying in your post. A lot of brehs think since it’s not happening for them then it can’t possibly be happening for another breh.

So yeah there are a bunch of 20 something year olds out here getting p*ssy but the portion that isn’t is growing.
And women that's bad don't have a reason to hang around lames

So they don't believe they exist
Last edited:


All Star
Nov 20, 2012
Houston, TX

It's gonna get worse.

Mandarin Duck

Majestic and Highfalutin
Dec 27, 2012
Don't apologize. It honestly makes no difference to me.

Sure women can be cruel but there are millions of unattractive men who are successful. But if you wanna wallow in self pity be my guest. The planet Earth and all the people upon it are the problem; not you. Never you. I get it. Good luck.
Once again I'll prove you wrong because this is already something I've stated in this thread.
But to answer your question I'm not under the impression that American black women are the problem.

I am.


Feb 16, 2017
I never said you were an incel and yes plenty men have personalities that are unattractive. Why is that such an outrageous theory?

You know what, you're right. It's everyone elses especially women's fault. There is no point debating ya'll you've already decided to be a victim. Nothing I can do for you. Let me stop trying.
Listen we’re just giving pushback to the “just get a haircut bro” shyt. Personally this has never been my problem

my main point is evolutionary speaking bad genes get cut off. The human species in the 2 million years we’ve been on earth has evolved.

if you have severe genetic defects that’s gonna effect your mating chances. But that’s obvious subtitle genetic and social defects make a difference too like being short bald and or Fat.

women don’t tell men this but they are way more against fatness than men are. If you’re a fat dude you better lose weight or gain money and clout to offset that.

dudes are honest about what they deem attractive if you vary widely from that chances are slim that you’d get wifed by a man you find acceptable. Really Al Bundy’s marriage was a 1950’s example of what two people who would be incels now.