Luxury Tax
Middleman Money
Read 'If i Did It', as a good addendum to the's available online and it's his friend 'Charlie' and the description of Goldman, 'You want to try this karate shyt on me'? So much of OJ's narcissim, and control issues, and just insane shyt, dude is a total scumbag. No ones hero.
I don't want to go back and forth about guilt or innocence, because I think those who believe him Guilty aren't rational on the subject, and are too far gone, conspiracies are Justifiable on this one...You have to be realistic. Dozens of police officers and detectives, and other LE personnel risking exposure in a capital murder case? but I believe this is the most accurate description of the murders, and 'shockingly' enough is very similar to the best opinions and analysis I've read....Also, I checked out in depth the whole Jason Simpson theory, because some of the circumstantial evidence deserves at least a glance, and theres nothing real there, the cast is based on a crackpot PI, a redneck from Texas.
Fixed it for you. You sound like someone who isn't interested in the facts of the trial. It's funny how folks back track and want to involve Jason but not look in the direction of a known racist cop who trespassed on OJ property. So let me get this straight, Jason went to OJ's house and left 1 glove outside the property and 1 bloody sock in OJ's room? So all of that so-called evidence that OJ left behind actually belongs to Jason?

As stated, I can go back and forth with FACTS & EVIDENCE... The media hyped up the so-called blood evidence but never went into depth or examined the facts pertaining to said evidence.