The People Vs. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story


May 26, 2012
San Diego
except it only takes 1 guy to organize it and maybe 1 more to execute it. And someone powerful like Furman gets help frm his understudy.

Again, if he didndt plant anything then why "plead the 5th", why not just answer it as "No" bc to suggest a man of the law would do such is the ultimate insult

I don't want to do this....I don't want to be insulting, and I won't...I just don't think you have a grasp on criminology, or the nature of police work....There are plenty of scumbag racist cops, sure....I don't believe in massive coverups, they don't hold up to reason....I don't think there was a massive top down coverup in 'Making A Murderer' anymore then I do for OJ, it's simply not probable. You are talking about dozens and dozens of people, who would have to cooperate, fall in line, actively participate in a criminal conspiracy, in a capital murder case, one that is extremely high profile, what is the motivation? Not financial. Not personal. Maybe racist. There are racists in the LAPD certainly. But, all of them? Every person that needed to be, turned out to be one? Also one who was wiling to risk everything further one detectives racist agenda? Not to mention the logistics of that are beyond shaky, as to be unbelievable. Did they know OJ would not have a concrete alibi that night? When did 'they' decide to frame him? See, there is NO logic or sense in these theories....anything is just 'oh well they covered it up', or 'well it's possible'.....yes, but it is NO probable, and in fact fantastical. Is there a chance some of the physical evidence was tampered with or handled improperly? Sure. I think the same in Steven Avery's case. Does that mean that legally he is deserving of a not guilty or mistrial verdict? Yeah. Does it mean he didn't murder his ex wife, and Ron Goldman? fukk no. Just read 'If I Did It'. You think that was him JUST channeling a narcisstic, jealous, obessive, angry person? Who carried a knife in his Bronco, and wanted to 'scare the shyt out of that girl' the night in question?

Raw Lyrics

Sunset Park
May 15, 2012
What do y'all think about his story of OJ being on Prozac when he supposedly did the crimes?

I'm glad you asked that....OJ himself stated that he was just prescribed psychiatric medication about a month prior to the murders (it's in the Ruby interview I posted)...and he said his doctors warned him that the medication will make him more depressed before it stabilizes in the bloodstream (his justification for having the gun to his head during the bronco chase).

Also, during the interrogations the next day when they asked OJ about taking a lie detector test - OJ's response was that "he's had a lot of weird thoughts lately" and asked the cops (Van Atter and Lang) if those "weird dreams and thoughts" would influence the lie detector test.

I read in Gilbert's book that a person who commits a murder while on psychotropic medications, would remember it as a dream - a sort of out-of-body experience.


Apr 30, 2012
I don't want to do this....I don't want to be insulting, and I won't...I just don't think you have a grasp on criminology, or the nature of police work....
my father was a cop, so actually I do....

I think your prob is you're not willing to TRULY look at the other side, or plays devils advocate. I thought OJ was 100% guilty for 20 years. Now, I'm not saying he's not, but there's just other evidence to consider so it's not plain and simple.

And again, you can't explain why the socks and Bronco blood was obviously placed from a test tube b/c of the chemical in it.