I want to agree….but The Dark Knight is a hard one to top. I did love The Batman, though.
I wrote the best review of the dark knight on rottentomatoes.
Before change of format.
The issue with the dark knight is what atypically happens in every batman movie. Till the batman. Which is the movie is not really about batman.
The Batman finally is a batman movie about the batman.
As the whole villain fascination. To usurp batman for the villain. Is just an approach that creates disconnect. Hence why the last and first dark knight are not given their due in the trilogy. When that trilogy is crack.
Yet...the batman finally gives us a batman movie. While also grounding everything.
into what if batman was real and not just a figment of imaginative movie magic. Which acts as a device to emasculate the hero. Past th point of no return for a hero.
In a movie of and more about the villain.
The dark knight has too much of the my buddy batman effect.
Where you have to have an idea of what batman is. Plus rhe joker. Plus why there exists a film content adaptation of rhe dark knight series.
With the batman. All ypu need to do is watch to learn about batman. Without any prior knowledge.
of who or what batman is.
Art Barr