That was prerendered. Lemme see what you got nikka. Bet your shyts in the 20's30 fps on a last gen game
We rocking 60fps in 3 monitors on ultra in fc3 over here...
That was prerendered. Lemme see what you got nikka. Bet your shyts in the 20's30 fps on a last gen game
We rocking 60fps in 3 monitors on ultra in fc3 over here...
I'm not even on my computer. But I'm over 60 in ultra, in 3 monitors on my 2 780tis. (I checked last week).That was prerendered. Lemme see what you got nikka. Bet your shyts in the 20's
You don't need to do that. 60fps is the best for a modern HDTV. Your TV is most likely a 60HZ TV(ignore the 120hz TV options, they are terrible for gaming.) 60fps for 60hz TV is the best.I had to drop this nikka down to medium to get 80 frames.
I wanna see the receipts.I'm not even on my computer. But I'm over 60 in ultra, in 3 monitors on my 2 780tis. (I checked last week).
Hello everyone, im new over here but since i do game tweaking and mods for a long time i wanted to share my Watch Dogs XML full mod using all the engine settings not only with the few settings Ubisoft and Nividia shown to the people, that doesnt do too much.
With all the engine settings i was able to improve Watch Dogs to the real "Ultra" Quality settings.
I will post my 1.0 version from my XML soon here so you can grab it and use it at your game to see and feel Watch Dogs the way it was meant to be.
It took a lot of time and effort to make it look like this since the game engine is pretty complex and the XML coding needed to be perfectly coded to run properly otherwise the game would just not take it. It needed correct spacing, characters, group nodes, etc.
I also discovered some new settings that actually worked out as well.
The improved XML contains:
Better Physics
Improved HDR
Better Textures and mapping
Better Rain and splashes quantity
Improved Reflections in the water and for the cars
Better Water, Vegetation and Geometry quality
Improved LOD and FOV
Better colors everywhere
Better Shadows
Better SSAO Quality
Improved Lighting for the entire game
And much more
I will post here comparisions from the original "ultra" game settings and my XML MOD at the same place and Day conditions/weather so you can see the dramatic change in the game graphics.
A video at night and some calm raining:
VIDEO NIGHT HEAVY RAIN: - *XML update testing*
XML 2.0 Beta ( needs fixing stuff like the smoke particles, now a lot but flickers sometimes ) .
Remember do not change anything at the graphics options or resolution/AA
You can edit the XML and change the resolution to your desired or Antialiasing method. The rest keep it the same.
If you mess up the XML coding it will stop working, even if you add 1 little space wrong so you get the idea.
For the XML , set it as read only ( this is very important )
Just copy/paste the entire code in the GamerProfile.xml and save it, read only. Dont keep anything from your old xml code.
And launch the game.
Open the file and read each line. Some options are defined on Ultra settings. You can to improve this changing to High or Medium, for example.
Also, in some lines has options with bigger resolutions of reflection or shadows. You can to reduce this options too.
<quality id="ultra"
ParaboloidReflectionTextureSize="1680" -> I changed this to my resolution.
ParaboloidReflectionMultiSampleMode="2" -> I reduced the value of 4 for 2 here.
ParaboloidReflectionSampleShadow="1" />
You can disable some 'strings'.
Change the personal values (Game Resolution, for example) and make as Read Only file.
Works so fine in my Rig.
finished my 'ranger mode' playthrough of Metro Last Light the other night
I barely started it. Everytime I start it I just drive around looking for shyt.i think i'm getting a bit tired of Watch dogs, it's getting a bit repetitive now, outside of the story line missions.
need to finish this game asap and get it off my hard drive
Low my n8gga? We gotta be better.Something is definitely wrong with BF4. I ran it in 32 bit mode and the game ran beautifully at 60fps on a 53 player map with barely a hitch. Graphics options were all set to low automatically and couldn't change but in 64 bit mode putting the game on low didn't remove the incessant stuttering. I even upped the resolution scale to 135% and it still played at a pretty smooth 60fps.
Watchdogs played at a locked 30fps too. Gonna try that with this new XML. Seems like my CPU is indeed decent.
glad i didnt buy that shyt. hope i can get it for cheap on black fridayi think i'm getting a bit tired of Watch dogs, it's getting a bit repetitive now, outside of the story line missions.
need to finish this game asap and get it off my hard drive