Upgraded my file server and my VPN VM to Windows 10 and

at the level of shyt it took me to get everything working smoothly.
Having to make registry edits to fix issues with ghost drives popping up in windows explorer...
having to use group policy edits to finally be able to set windows updates to something other than automatic...
having to use registry edits AND group policy edits to finally disable Cortona...then a script to kill the Cortona process ONLY to find out that it is the core process for Windows Explorer without it you can't search for anything on your PC...
building my VPN VM in hyper v only for their to be so much lame shyt i had to get around since i forget hyper v is a type 1 hypervisor...
ditching hyper v and going back to vmware workstation 11 ONLY for it to fail the install of windows 10 as a VM because it would not finish creating the virtual disk before doing the install...the install fails with a 0001 error meaning it can't find any boot disk...had to create a virtual disk first then install windows 10 on it...
being told i used my key to many times after the vm was built since i had installed it on hyper v...the phone activation process wasn't that bad though...
the utter

of what you have to go through to enable file sharing correctly on windows 10
the double

of file sharing between a windows machine who's log in is a windows account (@hotmail or whatever account) vs a windows machine that just uses a regular local account to log in...it took me over an hour to figure this shyt out and to be able to set all my network drives to automatically map after a reboot...
Horrific mouse and keyboard lag...and in the end it was not even caused by windows 10...it was caused by precision X monitoring...but i used it before on windows 8.1 without issue so i guess it was caused by windows 10...
All of a sudden utorrent always updates to the latest and greatest with ads and i had to track down all the flags to disable them...this never happens on my windows 8 machines...
Had to install kaspersky on my VM in a real convoluted way just because it was windows 10...
I easily spent 20 out of the last 48 hours working on this
This was some
@Ciggavelli gpu issues level of frustration shyt
Everything is working fine and I actually like WIndows 10 but everything was such a time sync that it aint no way I would go back even if I didn't like it
At least I learned the in and outs of everything so when I upgrade my gaming rig in November or December I will know what to look out for...