This game is hot 

what size is that monitor and how much did you pay?How it looks on a 21:9 monitor.
I'm at chapter five. The game is not's picking up.
That's not my shyt, someone posted it on Neogaf. It's a 21:9 monitor.what size is that monitor and how much did you pay?
The gunplay is really satisfying in this game, it's such a shame there' no MP. Using the shotty or the thermite rifle is soo good.
For someone that'sEvery review out there says otherwise.
Stop lying Stanley.
Every review out there says otherwise.
Stop lying Stanley.
No way. Evil within is a longer game.The Order is better than The Evil Within?
12 to 15 hours of raw action.I can't comment on Ryse because I haven't got around to playing it yet. I just recently bought it on Steam for $10 so I will play it.
How much content should a single player interactive linear movie have? This isn't a choose your own adventure game either it's straight up a linear single player story that you play through. Again I'm talking about people reviewing and judging content for what it actually is not what they expect it to be or what they think it should have.
If I had to give a score to what I've played so far I'd lean towards the 75-80 range. Scores in the 60 range should be reserved for broken games that don't even function the way they're supposed to not well made games that do what they're advertised to do and actually do it well.
I do have problems with The Order. The murky plot that starts in the middle of the events and doesn't even bother to fill you in on what's really going on especially with the back story and world state. The slow methodical pacing where you have to literally walk around from point A to B and I mean slowly walk. The AI partners that mostly don't help you out at all and are just window dressings that seldom kill anything. The enemy AI that uses the Uncharted style take cover and when time goes on too long chuck grenades over and over while staying behind cover and doesn't seem to form any strategy other than that. The fact that The Order is supposed to be fighting "half-breeds" but you spend 90% of the game fighting "rebels" (What are they rebelling against anyway? The Queen? The Order? Why am I at chapter 8 of 16 and that has yet to be revealed?) The cast is also a bit cliche and dry. There really aren't any stand out characters so far.
The game isn't without faults but criticizing a game for being an interactive movie when that's what it's supposed to be is silly.
plenty of sites gave it a similar score. it even got a 95 from one site. however the average is lowerIf I had to give a score to what I've played so far I'd lean towards the 75-80 range.
These graphics is out of this world. shyt looks like the pre rendered scenes we used to watch on last gen consolesWatching people play looks amazing