I don't engage in console stanning because it is really the new age evolution of Phaggetry. But You need to take a hard long look at yaself if you are willing to defend a incredibly short game, with no replay value and no multi player. It's honestly pathetic and this is going from a ps4 owner, that loves movie like games such as heavy rain, telltale games, etc. This is a game that is suppose to be more action than heavy rain, telltale games and the reviews state it does not even do that part very well. Game is getting universally bashed so something has to be up.
As a poster said earlier in the thread, both sides of the console wars need to admit this gen has not started off good for either. There has been no good new IP's or stand out games except the reshash games from last gen. Sh1t thats why half of these game review sites have to start reviewing indie games just to have website material because not much is even released.