NRA goes on offensive as Americans mourn school shooting | Reuters
news media and video games?
why stop there why not
Which One Is The Assault Weapon?, page 1
Which One Is The Assault Weapon?
Weapon "A"
Weapon "B"
Which of these is an assault rifle?
Believe it or not mechanically they are the same. Both are Ruger 10/22s. One has the traditional wood stock and grip, while the other has a fiberglass grip and a polymer folding stock.
If Weapon "A" appeared on the evening news, it would probably be identified as a hunting rifle, while Weapon "B" would be called an assault weapon.
Several years ago, a man who was running for the State Senate came to the Hunting and Fishing club that I belong to, wanting to get a photo op to show his support for gun ownership. He asked if he could pose with a rifle, so somebody handed him one that looked somewhat like Weapon "B". He handed it back with the comment "No way am I going to be seen holding an assault rifle!". Another rifle that looked like Weapon "A" was handed to him and he said "That's better" and had his picture taken. As it turned out both rifles were owned by a local gunsmith, who pulled the guy aside and said that he had something to show him. The gunsmith disassembled both rifles and put the parts from the first rifle on the second and the parts from the second on to the first.
The term "assault rifle" is meaningless. It is just media and political hype. Just like the media's habit of calling semi-automatic weapons, automatic weapons.
Forget the guns, it is the mental health issue that should be addressed instead. Froggy on the Blackfive website has one of the best posts I have seen on this. Please give it a read.
I'm learning new things myself this past week..... check this...
Semi-automatic rifles able to accept detachable magazines and two or more of the following:
-Folding or telescoping stock
-Pistol grip
-Bayonet mount
-Flash suppressor, or threaded barrel designed to accommodate one
-Grenade launcher (more precisely, a muzzle device that enables launching or firing rifle grenades, though this applies only to muzzle mounted grenade launchers and not those mounted externally).
these were the criteria of the 1994 ban
that second gun has a folding stock and pistol grip, as well as what looks like a flash suppressor
but maybe the solution is to ban all semi-auto rifles
As I said, I'm learning a lot of stuff this week.....
Semi-auto = 1 pull of trigger = 1 bullet.... Correct??
Automatic = 1 pull of trigger = multiple bullets.... Correct??
So then technically, APPEARANCES ASIDE, A Semi-auto IS NO DIFFERENT THAN A TYPICAL HANDGUN ..... Correct??
So apparently when they did the 1994 ban they were banning guns based on appearances NOT on function..... a shiny black plastic rifle looks more "impressive/scary" than the same rifle in wood???
So they were banning weapons based on looks??? Or am I off base???
all those things like a folding stock and pistol grip aren't just for "appearance". they make the weapon a more efficient killing machine
a typical (non-revolver) handgun is also "semi-auto". he difference is the caliber of the bullet (as well as the range, accuracy, etc). with rifles there's also what's known as a "bolt action" rifle, where you have to 'cock' it between each shot
in the end, yes, any bullet from any gun can kill someone. it comes down to this question of how efficiently people need to able to deliver bullets. that's why there's also a focus on clip size
I did, i'm just not buying it. Setting up huge security doors poses fire hazards just in case an internal disaster occurs. It's hard enough to get out the bank with those stupid double doors, you thinking that a bunch of screaming kids gonna make it easier?
And that still doesn't solve the issue. This last killing had a guy walk in, murk out, then kill himself. If he know there's gonna be issues getting in, and he doesn't care about his own life, he'll just murk them outside before they get in the class rooms. In call of duty terms this is called a choke point.
In short, more guns are a problem. We don't need even more guns
i thought the meltdown was taken care of ?I just see the slow grind to ultimately disarm the population......... any excuse ..... tell me I'm wrong when the the last 10 years I've watched with my own eyes the rest of the BofR become incrementally ripped apart.... that slow grinding away of our freedoms ....
Life goes on as they say, but the future without liberty seems slightly nightmarish ........because humanity throughout civilizations, throughout time has "seen this movie before" ........ we're going forward and backwards at the same damn time
We want to stop murder and death, we want to be proactive, protect the vulnerable and precious kids and biological future............REALLY??......................when was the last you heard the MSM or our Honorable Politicians mention the meltdown still occurring in Fukushim, Japan and what we can do to help them............................... multimillion dollars or resources sent over for that slow super-massacre....that's affecting us too.....
but they tell me..........
"Life is Good" - Nas![]()