This. I actually really liked the gameplay of 2k17. There were some dumb things but I liked it. The complaint that everyone wrestles the same is legit though. If they can figure out a way to fix that, combined with the improved player models is definitely a step in the right direction. Other things I'd like improved/changed:theres nothing wrong with the controls
- Smarter match making in Universe
- Alt attires not taking up CAW slots (You could download the alts as CAWs like in 2k17, but once you set it as an alt it removes it from the caw slot)
- If alt attires need to take up CAW slots, then add more caw slots
- They made deleting logos a lot easier in 2k17 but I'd like it if they gave you the option to delete all logos when you delete a caw. Rather than have to delete the caw and then go in and find all the logos and delete those too
- Higher logo limit (some CAWs use up a lot of logos, and when you combine that with different arenas you download like old WWF/WCW/ECW ppvs, you could get to 1000 logos pretty quickly)