I'll tell you what, if the network goes down, I'll deal with it, no 'Tista. fukk paying $70 in 2014
I'll tell you what, if the network goes down, I'll deal with it, no 'Tista. fukk paying $70 in 2014
Nope. Might have to miss some of it to put my newborn to sleep thoughAnyone else sending 'Mania to the bushes for that one hour period Game of Thrones starts?
Nah, I got the DVR set. Once Mania over, I'll throw Thrones on. I got a couple people coming over so I think it'd be awkward if I told them we gotta switch over to GoT
Nah this wouldn't even make any sense. How would Punk come into all of this? Why would Trips just give his spot away?Anyone consider them having HHH win on some BS..but instead of inserting Bryan into the ME..they throw in Punk?
Wrestlemania through PPV providers is $69.99. () Makes that whole subscription to the WWE Network seem pretty smart.
Possible WM spoiler
Meltzer said they're building towards a Shield vs. Evolution feud and something big is suppose to happen in the main event. And Sting is officially signed
Possible WM spoiler
Meltzer said they're building towards a Shield vs. Evolution feud and something big is suppose to happen in the main event. And Sting is officially signed
Well he is for a fact because he went to the Wrestlecon thing.Meltzer also claims sting is in Louisiana