Welcome to our live coverage of WWE WrestleMania at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ. We're looking for your thoughts on tonight's show, so you can leave a thumbs up, thumbs down or thumbs in the middle along with a best and worst match to
We're also looking for feedback on all the other PPVs and iPPVs that took place over the weekend.
On the preshow, they are using an 87,000 figure for attendance, which means they will announce a figure larger than that. Before whatever few seats were opened for production a week ago, the real figure was just over 70,000. On the broadcast, Michael Cole used an "almost 80,000" so they've got signals crossed.
Jim Ross and Dusty Rhodes are doing the pregame show.
Miz kicked out of Wasteland and won clean in the middle with the figure four leglock. They only got 4:00 so it was a rushed job. Miz copied the Jericho 90s lean into the audience after winning. They had no time to build anything. It was just go out there and change a title to start things out.
The finish saw Sheamus go to hot tag Show, but Orton tagged himself in, started laying out Ambrose with a powerslam and draping DDT. Seth Rolling came off the top rope into an RKO, but then Roman Reigns speared Orton and Ambrose got the pin. After the match, Show got mad and laid out both Orton and Sheamus wiht KO punches. Match was okay, with a good finishing sequence. Nowhere close to the level of matches The Shield has had on PPV up to this point. The crowd isn't coming across well on TV at all.
Henry got the pin. The finish saw Ryback get Henry up on his shoulders but Henry grabbed the ropes and Ryback lost his balance and Henry collapsed on him for the pin. After the match, Henry went back for more but Ryback gave him the Shellshock. The match was really bad. The crowd didn't react nearly as well for the Shellshock as anyone would thought.
It's very cold and that's hurting crowd reactions a lot.
They did a Special Olympics plug with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and Stephanie McMahon and several Special Olympic athletes.
This was really rushed as they only gave them 6:00. The action was good but boy were they rushing through spots. A.J. threw in the briefcase to Ziggler but Kane ducked the shot. Kane gave Langston a high kick, sending him out of the ring. Kane then choke slammed Ziggler and tagged Bryan, who used a diving head-butt on Ziggler for the pin. In theory, this should mean Ziggler cashes in soon or they wih the tag titles tomorrow night. Match wasn't what you'd expect from these guys at Mania, but it wasn't their fault.
The match was good. Not a blow away performance by Fandango but it worked out okay. Jericho was bleeding from the forehead above then nose and under the left eye hardway. The finish saw Jericho use a lionsault, Fandango went for the knees up but Jericho overshot and didn't get hit, but acted like he tweaked his knee. Jericho went for the Walls of Jericho, Fandango blocked it and used an inside cradle on Jericho for the pin.
They did a video of a bunch of people from all over the world saying "I am one of the millions." Lots of cute kids, good looking adults, trying to change the image of what wrestling fans are. Smart to do it, but I'd rather this was on Raw as opposed to here.
They are doing a video of great WrestleMania moments. As far as production, this was like the heyday of Pride stuff.
This was to introduce Sean Combs.
Based on e-mails from people in the arena, the explanation for the weak crowd reactions is so many of the seats had obstructed views.
Match was fine. A lot of back and forth armbar and ankle lock. At the finish, Zeb Colter kicked the crutches out from Ricardo Rodriguez. Del Rio went after Colter but then Swagger jumped Del Rio on the floor. But when they got in the ring Del Rio flipped over into the armbar clean in the middle. No post-match anything, no Ziggler.
They had an excellent match which was difficult considering Undertaker was really big, looking more than 300 pounds. Sloppy in some spots but really, really smartly worked. They actually had almost the entire crowd buying a near fall when Undertaker went for the last ride power bomb and Punk had the urn and hit Undertaker with it and Undertaker kicked out. The biggest spot was Punk putting Undertaker on the Spanish table and Punk came off the top rope with an elbow. Punk made it but the table didn't break. Punk's elbow started swelling up at that point. Lots of reversals in and out of tombstones and GTS spots. Punk never did hit the GTS. Punk had kicked out of a tombstone earlier, but finally Undertaker got out of the GTS and hit a second tombstone piledriver for the pin. Undertaker took the urn back and left. Nothing on the show so far has been close to this, but nobody else also has been given the time to do it.
Brock Lesnar is gigantic. He's making a mockery out of something, but I can't quite put my finger on what.
This was one weird match. It was brutal and physical but very slow and until the last two minutes the crowd was deathly quiet. Lesnar threw him around for a long time. Lesnar gave Shawn Michaels the F-5. Lesnar kicked out of a botched pedigree. Even that didn't get a reaction. Lesnar gave HHH the F-5 and he kicked out. Lesnar destroyed him with the ring steps and went for the Kimura over and over but HHH was able to get out. HHH went to the Kimura over and over and Lesnar kept breaking it by slamming him on the ring steps and then HHH would put the Kimura on. Paul Heyman tried to interfere but Michaels superkicked him. Finally Lesnar tried to slam him but HHH turned it into a DDT on the steps. HHH hit Lesnar in the head with a sledge hammer and then pinned him after a pedigree on the steps. If you read the match story it sounds greate and the last few minutes were intense, but the crowd was so eerily dead for probably the first 20 minutes.
They did the Hall of Fame. Crowd was appreciate of everyone.
They announced 80,676 as the crowd
I guess they canceled the 8 person tag.
People booing Cena more than anyone else on the show by far.
Very good match. The match story is they both kept kicking out of their trademark moves. In the end Rock went for a Rock bottom and Cena countered into the Attitude Adjustment for the pin. The crowd didn't riot or anything. When it was over and they shook hands and hugged, the crowd booed. Cena left the ring to leave Rock in the ring. I lost track of how many rock bottoms and peoples elbows and AA's were kicked out of, but roughly 2-3 of each. Cena even used a rock bottom for a near fall. Match was very good, easily the second best thing on the show. Rock left the ring, hugging Betty Skaaland, his mom, his girlfriend and other friends and then left. Rock left the ring. Cena stayed on the stage and they stood together, raised each others' arms with Rock pointing to Cena to give him his props. They stood there, there together raised each others arms and the fireworks went off. I's supposed tobe the big Mania moment but the people booed it.
The show in a lot of ways was very predictable. It was an impressive spectacle as far as production, the and the visuals but as far as matches go, this wasn't as good as most top tier WWE PPV shows. It was a three match show, one was excellent, one very good and one very weird.