So what we've learned is this thread and i've done a quick Q & A on it
Why do you like Balotelli? Coz hes Black
What do you like most about his game? Hes Black
What do you think about Balotellis temper tantrums and his immatue behaviour at times? Them Cac's are sayin racist stuff about him
Have you ever seen Balotelli even play before? Nah, I just know hes Black
How do you feel about Balotelli dating outside of his race? Hes making them Cac's mad and getting back at them Cac's for slavery, hes gettin all the Pawgs
We have footage of Balotelli and his brother tag teamin your mother and givin her a dirty sanchez? Black Exellences innit
So there we have it
edit:these mods really moved this thread?