I’ll entertain this.
Of all those situations but one, the aggression was against men

The only one against a woman wasn’t a premeditated act of violence against just a woman, it was a spur of the moment issue against a couple…not just a pregnant woman.
None of his beefs or issues have been premeditated is my point. He says something reckless, people call him out and things escalate. The August Alsina situation is a perfect example where Tory was on some "defend my honor" shyt after not getting a handshake. Meg insulting him and him shooting her is petty AF, but not dissimilar from his August situation except he was blackout drunk in one situation.
That doesn’t make it matter but if we are using tory’a history against him, why aren’t we using megs history of lying against her? (Carl Crawford contract situation). She has a literal domestic violence case against a man. She’s been a raging alcoholic since her mom passed. How is she on a moral high ground opposed to Tory where you instantly take her side, bar the facts of the case?
I think she's a piece of shyt for the way that she was dirty macking her best friend. I will not look at her the same way because that is not how a dude who gets bytches would move and that's not how a 'hot girl summer' chick should move either. Indiscriminately fukking your best friend's love interests is foul AF and I wouldn't rock with any dude/chick that moves like that.
With that said, she still got shot and unless you start doing mental gymnastics, all of the evidence points at Tory. I don't even need to do a comparison about how much of Kanye's antics have been brushed off because of Donda's passing for the last 15 years and so Meg being a raging alcoholic is pretty low on my list of grievances.
Back to Tory looking guilty AF... That's why he is paying for Kelsey's lawyer. That's why both girls under oath admit he tried to pay them off. Speaking of which, getting paid off is likely why the driver is MIA, because he is already riding w/ Tory (literally) and so if he had something to say that would exonerate Tory, he would have likely been a witness for the defense. This isn't definitive obviously, but there's a lot of yall that keep moving the goal posts and ignoring the evidence stacking up against Tory.
He dropped a mixtape saying that Meg was lying about being shot when EVERYONE else involved was saying he was the shooter. He has never implicated Kelsey and he likely won't do so on the stand either. He has to walk a tight line of letting his lawyers implicate Kelsey for plausible deniability without outright putting a case on her or she will start remembering all of the stuff against Tory that she conveniently 'forgot'. It seems pretty obvious imo but yall got it