some fukkery.. I was driving in Gatineau QC, and I stopped at the red light. A police cruiser pulled up next to me in the left lane, a little bit in front of me- he was turning left. I was watching the officer, while he looked at me. Once the light turned green I began to move forward. mine you, I'm in the middle lane (3 lane road) I looked into the rear view mirror and noticed the officers had turned on their lights as soon as I pass the intersection. I pull over and the officer starts speaking to me in French. I told the officer, I do not speak French. he does it again until the passenger with broken French, tells him I don't speak French. The officer again proceeded to speak to me in French. The passenger tells me the officer wanted me to take off mask. I took off my mask and the officer starts to speak English

The officer, speaking in English asked me for my license. Before providing my license to the officer I asked him why he pulled me over.
The officer replied in English that he pulled me over because I was in a rental car and they don't show who's the owner- but mind you his car was ahead of mine in a totally opposite lane- turning left
. I said that doesn't make sense, if it's a rental why would there be an owner... then he says he's doing this to make sure, I'm the one who's supposed to be driving the car. Alright so, he asked for my license. I asked him why do you need my license.
He said to make sure it isn't fake. I asked him why would I be driving with a fake license,

I gave him my license and my insurance slip, which covers the my rental car, and whatever documents I found in the car.
he returned back with my license, my insurance and the cars papers work and left. I called him back to ask for him badge number. he said it really fast in English while walking back to the police car.
I filed a complaint, and contacted some black legal organization in QC. Do any of you know of anyone I should be contacting, because this happens pretty often when I drive to QC. In this year I can count 4 times at least. I should of recorded it and sent complaints for the previous meetings, but I was to heated in the moment.