Death in jan and feb
eat out brehs
Cold winter for lots of restaurants
Death in jan and feb
eat out brehs
I’m a downtown breh…shyt is lonely out hereMost of the black people in GTA live in the east and west ends
Largest black populations in the area are in Hamilton and Scarborough/Pickering/Ajax region
y'all heard about this?
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smh at t his pathetic simp
take a life & destroy a family because you get denied entry into a casino young brehs....
take a life & destroy a family because you get denied entry into a casino young brehs....
take a life & destroy a family because you get denied entry into a casino young brehs....
the only black folks coming in are like nigerians
In all seriousness, that’s some wild shyt do for getting kicked out/denied at the casino.
I was just there this past weekend, stronger security presence out there now
24% of Canadians will turn to charitable services for help within the next six months, new poll suggests
Those turning to charities are mainly going for the first time and cite the cost of living crisis, finds a new report by Ipsos and
welcome to canada
- Nearly one in four Canadians will need charitable services to meet their needs within the next 6 months, a new Ipsos and CanadaHelps poll suggests.
- Over 40% of those who say they will need support are under 35 years old.
- The poll illuminates the growing demand for social and charitable services amidst a growing and persisting cost-of-living crisis. Food bank use has skyrocketed to record levels and reliance on government social assistance programs continues to grow.
- The poll suggests that 24% of Canadians expect to turn toward charitable services like food banks within the next six months, up from 22%, and. 69% added that this will be their first time turning to charities, citing the rising cost of living as the driving reason.
- “Relentless inflation and a broken social safety net have caused many people who never thought they would need a food bank to walk through the doors for the first time," said Kirstin Beardsley, CEO of Food Banks Canada.
- A Leger poll from September 2023 found that nearly half of a Canadians were living paycheque to paycheque. Financial stress among Canadians has jumped 20% since last year, amounting to a “national emergency,” the National Payroll Institute said in an Oct. 2023 report.