That was the political game they played. It was all done to paint Trudeau as the good guy and Harper as bad. Since Harper is the king of stagnation, he played right into their hand.
There was no recession.They took advantage of the oil plunge to say the economy was doing bad. We didn't have high unemployment nor was the overall economy doing shyt. Trudeau spent more and only dropped unemployment by 1%. What growth did we get between 2016-2019? Infrastructure..........with multiple phases.
The you posted this:
Economic performance and policy during the Harper years - Policy Options

Dawg you're not understanding what they are saying. Canada was running surpluses until the 2008 crash. After the the crash Harper wanted to return back to balanced budgets.
This is a fair summary from the article you posted.
"The Harper government promised a low-tax, balanced-budget plan that could grow jobs and increase output and income. The government delivered better per capita real disposable income growth than its predecessors, but worse employment and output growth. And this record was determined largely by factors other than federal policy. The Harper government’s economic policies during 2006-15 met the objective of a strengthened fiscal position without sacrificing the goal of income redistribution, but had decidedly less success in meeting the goal of jobs and growth. In the end, a verdict on the degree of success of the Harper government’s economic policies hinges on the relative values that one attributes to the various economic objectives.
In our own judgment, after 2010 the Harper government unduly sacrificed growth in order to improve a debt position that was already solid."
How do you feel about debt position now?
I don't think anyone is saying Harper was amazing, we are just saying he saw the need to not spend stupidly to get same results as Trudeau.
Trudeau's legacy will be debt we can never pay back. And that's before the pandemic.