Stop it. Justin came out the gate with large deficits. "The budget will balance itself"
What infrastructure has Trudeau built or improved since the first election? Where is the economic growth? Where is the stronger families? Why isn't social services helping these Junkies on the street?
All we have to show for this is weed. And we barely make any money off that too.
We could have got the same results with Harper, but with a much better budget.
Stop it. Justin came out the gate with large deficits
The government needs to spend in order for an economy to improve and to
get out of a recession. Harper just denied the existence of a recession and did nothing to remedy the effects (speaking mostly on the second recession), which is why Trudeau needed to run on a deficit when he got into office.
Harper refuses to admit Canada is in recession despite official figures
Liberals already committed to and worked on clean water (especially in reservations, which improved upward to 80%) and environmental infrastructure (electric vehicles, energy-efficient buildings, helped invest billions in transit development, established DMAF to assist Canadians with disaster relief tied to the environment), already setup billions in funds for provincial governments to utilize the money for their own needs.
He has been actively investing in projects, his infrastructure plan from 2015 has multiple phases that extend to the late 2020s. I'll admit some of his projects have been rather slow in their implementation, but the commitment is still there.
Infrastructure Canada - Investing in Canada Plan – Building a Better Canada
Where is the economic growth?
We're in a pandemic economic growth will happen in 2022, why else do you think he called an election now? He's introducing more infrastructure spending to help bolster the economy and get people back to work
Liberals bet big on economic growth to cover COVID-19’s costs
During the period of the Harper government (2006-15), real GDP growth was markedly slower than during the preceding 22 years (table 1, row 1), a result of the sharp recession that occurred from the fourth quarter of 2008 to the second quarter of 2009, and of the period of sluggish recovery that followed
Economic performance and policy during the Harper years - Policy Options
I don't know what world you and
@Tom Foolery were living in when Harper was PM, the economy was shyt, unemployment was high, etc. He added over 200 billion to the national debt (he cut the GST, which was stupid he lost a source of revenue and just added onto the debt).
I find it funny Conservative supports act like Harper transferred a good economy and books onto Trudeau which is a complete lie, he repeatedly undermined the scientific community, cut regulations, didn't want to acknowledge recessions (did that twice), etc. If none of that was the case then explain why Trudeau swept him in the election in historic numbers back in 2015? Imagine championing that clown as a fiscal god when he wasnt.
No matter how you add it up, Harper's fiscal record is a catastrophe - iPolitics