THen this might not be the place you want to come to my man......
Why u say that? My mom did crime her whole life and moved to Toronto and leveled up .. after 10+ years in jail.. all odds stacked against her.. she got her degree.. beat her last case & been striving and prospering ever since...
I’m a real hustler and I know how to MAKE MONEY.. secondly I’m not dusty and I’m always optimistic in LIFE period.. also cirrciulum is waaay better in Ontario for my 3 year old son to have a bright future with everything working in his favor rather then against him...
Montreal has been good to me but it’s time to leave.. you can be richest point in your life but if you have the wrong people around you that you thought want to see the ship sail yet are digging holes behind yo back it’s your time to throw on a life jacket and jump on a life boat to save yourself...
had to shake a couple n*****everybody won’t make it ...
so with that being said, I’m 28 excited to what’s ahead, going back to school wether it’s special knowledge or just getting my real estate license in peericular .. and just putting one step forward.. license is good (5k and it’s good) and I have no criminal record ..
I got the world in my hands I have NO FEAR, I have no FEAR ONLY AMBITION